I am a Stay-At-Homeschooling-Mom to my four kiddos.
I love reading, listening to music,
playing on the computer, and most of all spending time
with my family. I am a big believer in attachment parenting.
My favorite magazine is Mothering.
You can find lots of great articles in here about Moms
(and Dads) like me who parent more "against the tide."

This is the most recent of me, taken this January.

This was taken in 2004.

This is one of my senior pictures.

This is my older brother and sister when I was a month old.

This is taken when I was 7 months old.

This is my mom giving me a cupcake for my 1st birthday. We had the party at my Granny and Paw-Pa's in West Virginia.

This was taken when I was 3.

That is me on the end. I was 3 years old here, also. I'm visiting my grandparents in this picture. My Paw-pa is the one sitting down.

This is my sister and I Christmas morning when I was 3. We used to call these dolls our boyfreinds and make out with them! We also argued about whose doll was cuter!

This is taken in West Virginia the summer I was 4. The shortest one on the end is me. The one next to me is my sister. The other two girls are my cousins. I was mistaken for a boy that summer!

This is taken the Halloween I was 5. I won 1st place at a costume contest at my church. I won a 5lb bar of Hershey's chocolate.

Yes, my mother did dress us funny!

This is the summer I turned 15. I am with my mom and little sister. We were at Fort Christmas, Florida

This is the same summer, taken at my mom's house.

This is my junior prom picture. Yes I had a date, I just didn't want to show him! :0)

I was 18 when this picture was taken of me.

I got this beautiful back ground courtesy of:
