What we do ~ The Activities and Work of Our Chapter

"A sufficient measure of civilization is the influence of good women." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our Meetings

Our DAR meetings are a lot of fun ! We have a fantastic group of ladies, over 90 members in our Chapter, and generally 30-40 women attend. We meet every third Saturday of each month, from September to May, unless a District or State function is scheduled for that day. We say the Pledge of Allegiance, the American's Creed, and read a National Defense message. We keep the business portion of our meetings brief, to devote more time to our programs. These programs consist of a Patriotic, Educational, or Historical theme. If it is not a luncheon meeting, refreshments are served.
We are also represented by our members at the District II meetings, as well as the Northern California and State Conferences. If you would like to come to one of our meetings please contact our Parliamentarian Margery Borger.

Please see below for some of the other things we do:

American Indian Schools

Our Chapter collects Campbell's labels to support the Bacone College in Oklahoma and the Chemawa Indian School in Oregon. Labels and other proofs of purchase from over 1,000 Campbell product varieties are eligible for redemption in Campbell's Labels for Education Program. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this great corporate program which you can use to support the educational facility of your choice.

Commemorative Events and Constitution Week

Our past Regents and other members have participated in local Independence Day parades with members of the Sacramento Society CAR (Children of the American Revolution) as well as other DAR Chapters, passing out Flags. Constitution Week as well as Flag Day are celebrated with a display at a local library,and occasionally a proclamation.

DAR Good Citizens Awards

Our chapter is delighted to sponsor the DAR Good Citizens Award, open to all high school seniors whose personal, scholastic and volunteer record demonstrate the qualities of good citizenship. These fine young men and women are nominated and selected by their individual schools for their outstanding efforts which reflect dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. The winners are honored at a Tea, where they read their essays to the Chapter, and are given DAR Good Citizens pins, Certificates, lapel flag pins, desktop Flags and monetary awards.

DAR Schools

We also use the Campbell's Labels for Education Program to support the six DAR schools through the United States: The Kate Duncan Smith DAR School (Alabama), Tamassee DAR School (South Carolina), Berry College (Georgia), Crossnore School (North Carolina), Hillside School (Massachusetts) and Hindman Settlement School (Kentucky). Nationally, Daughters have given over 1,500,000 Campbell labels, coupons and stamps to purchase much-needed classroom and recreational equipment. Our own Chapter donated over 1,000 labels to the DAR Schools this year.

DAR Service for Veteran Patients & USO

We make lap robes and collect other items which are donated to the local Veterans' home at Yountville. We support 1 local VA Hospital with volunteers and donations. We collect various sundry items and donate them to the USO Family Service Center at Travis AFB in Fairfield.

ROTC Awards

The General John A. Sutter Daughters are honored to sponsor deserving members of local High School ROTC units and present them with DAR ROTC Merit Awards. We honored 5 Cadets in 2008. It's an exciting opportunity to support individuals who are committed to discipline, education and patriotic service.

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