The day was just right to go outside and play in the snow that had fallen during the night. Everyone put on their boots, wool jackets, socks, hats and warm gloves to keep warm before going out the front door.
"What will we do," asked Sally? "We can have a snowball fight", said David. "Oh that will be fun," they said all together.
Well it took some time to get enough snowballs made so they could start. Wait we must have sides, so they began taking turns
choosing. When they were done they started throwing snowballs at each other's team. When they finally ran out of snowballs
they were very tired and all sat down in the snow to rest and talk.
David said, "Let's build a snowman for the front yard."
"A 10 foot one", yelled Mike. Everyone just looked at him. "Well maybe 6 foot tall", Mike said. They all agreed that a
6-foot snowman would be fine and started to work.
Well building a snowman is a lot of work. First you have to gather a lot
of snow to make the body by rolling it into a ball and just keep adding more snow and more snow until you have it just the
right size.
David being the oldest decided when it was big enough. He would step back and look and say, "More snow."
Everyone was wondering when it would be big enough as they were getting tired. Finally David said, "That is just the size
we need for a 6 foot snowman, now we can get started on the head." "What? You mean we need to get more snow, why
can't we just leave it as is?" asked Sally.
"I'm so tired I don't
want to help anymore." "Well I guess the smaller ones can sit and watch for awhile and we make the head", said David to the
older ones.
When the head was finished and put on top of the body everyone was happy with the snowman so far.
"All right everyone, lets find some twigs to make the arms", so off in different directions everyone went. They ended up with a
lot of twigs in different sizes. They finally found two that were about the same size to use. David found some rocks to use for
the eyes, nose and mouth and put them on for the face. "Well everything is done, so how does it look?" asked Sally.
"No, it isn't done, we have to have a hat for it", yelled Mike. "That is right,
we do need something for a hat, but what will we use?" asked David.
"I know just what you need", said Grama when she came out the door. "I'll
go get it so everyone just sit down and rest." Well no one could figure out what Grama had in mind as she headed for the flower shed.
She was back in a few minutes with and old flowerpot in her hands, placing it on top of the snowman. "Well you will have to say Mrs. Snowlady, anyone can build a snowman but we have a lovely snowlady for our front yard." Everyone was happy and started dancing around their snowlady.
Everyone clapped their hands and yelled, "Welcome to our yard Mrs.Snowlady."
© 1999
Page Created December 1999