Granddaddy and Me


Lester Leigh Barbee and Linda Lorene Barbee

Photo taken in 1952

Surnames I research:

The Standard of Truth
"The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done."

Joseph Smith (History of the Church, 4:540)

Lester Leigh Barbee Sr.

My Granddaddy adored his grandchildren. At the time of his death there was 11 of us. His last Christmas, the family dinner was at Mary Frances Barbee Houston's house. Granddaddy didn't want to go to the table when it came time for the adults to eat. He said he wanted to watch his Grandchildren play. He felt it would be his last time to watch us all together. As fate would have it he died in January and it was indeed his last time we would all be together as a family.

When he was a young man he had worked on his fathers farm. John E. Barbee his father left each of his children a share of the place. Granddaddy farmed his until the depression. And they lost the house to a fire. He decided that farming wasn't for him and traded his farm for a house in Lula and a Gulf Oil Service Station. At the time it was a risky move because the automobile was just getting popular.

Granddaddys hobby was building fishing boats and furniture. In his spare time he kept a large beautiful vegetable garden. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge and the Lula Baptist Church. Although he had a problem with Baptist ministers. When he was a small boy he and his brother Walter had the job of pulling the fan over the dining room table while his father and mother entertained the various visiting Baptist Preachers. Granddaddy and Uncle Walter would watch as the Preachers ate leaving very little for them. Because of this his Grandchildren were always feed and settled before the adults ate. It was his lifelong policy, so if you ate at a family meal at the Barbee home you waited until the Children were fed.

There are so many neat stories about my Granddaddy, I could go on forever. I was too young to attend his funeral and really wanted to say goodbye. I knew he would pass by our house on the way to the to the cemetery. So I waited in the front yard to see him. His Hearst was followed by about 100 cars. More than I had ever seen in Lula at one time. Granddaddy, respected and loved by many people, was laid to rest in the Barbee Cemetery. And will always be missed by this Granddaughter.

I love you Granddaddy.

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