Neiers - Loes Families

This is a photo taken 7 August, 1907 of siblings, relatives, and friends of the Neiers and Loes families in Cascade, Iowa.

For the families represented in this picture, click HERE

M. J. "Mike" Neiers, eldest child of John Neiers and Anna Loes. He is 29 years old in this picture He will marry Augusta Gehl 18 OCT 1905.

Fred Neiers (19)

Josie Neiers (22)

Ann Loes (34) wife of Fred Loes and daughter of Peter Loes and Marie Neiers, sister of John Neiers. This family was known as "the Key West Loeses". Fred Loes is a brother of John Neiers' wife, Ann.

Fred Loes (35), brother of Mrs John Neiers.

Mamie (Breitbach) Kunner (age and relationship not known)

Lizzie (Elizabeth Cecelia) Neiers (24). She will marry Mike Hosch the following May 10, 1905.

Augusta Gehl (19). She will marry Mike Neiers 18 October 1905.

Johnny Turnis, brother of Mary (Turnis)

Mary (Turnis) She will later marry Charley NeiersNovember 24, 1910.

Charley Neiers (21)

Ann (Hosch) Breitbach. It is doubtful if she is yet married. She is a sister of Mike Hosch. Age not known

Frank Loes (36)

Mary (Loes) Schrup (26). It is doubtful if she is yet married to George Schrup. She is the daughter of Marie Neiers and Peter Loes of Key West, IA. She is the sister Anna Loes

Mike Hosch He will marry Lizzie Neiers May 10, 1905

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