Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four
The First Year (May 96- May 97)
Day 1: Born at 7:19pm
Day 2: Arrive home at 8:30pm (don't you love hospitals?)
Day 3: First Dr. Visit. 8lbs 6 oz, 20 1/2 inches
3 weeks: First noticed mobile above crib
: 10 lbs 1 oz, 21 1/4 inches
June 13: First trip to Pittsburgh!
15: Grandma gets married! (Go see Photos!)
16: Pumpkin gets baptised! (Go see Photos!)
2 mos 2 weeks: 16 lbs 3 oz, 25 1/4 inches (95 percent hight and weight)
July 10: Pumpkin smiles! (Go see Photos!)
14: Our first family trip to the beach! Pumpkin is on a ferry!
16: Rolls over onto stomach. Which he hates!
Aug. 5: Our first day at daycare!
24: First cold! (Way to go, Dad!)
4 mos : 19 lbs 11 oz, 27 1/4 inches
Sept. 26: Our first plane trip (to Cincinnati!)
27: Pumpkin finally finds his thumb!
28: Pumpkin meets his great-great grandma! (See Photos!)
Oct. 20: The first dreaded ear infection!
26: Sits up on own! (Like a leaning tower of piza)
6 mos : 20 lbs 14 oz, 28 1/2 inches
: Notices Cats for the first time, 2 lower teeth come in
Nov. 4: Gets first cereal. Messy messy (See Photos!)
5: Says Da-da and knows who that really is
7: Another plane trip! (Cincinnati Again!)
14: Up on hands and knees to crawl
Dec 12-14: Teething yet again
15: First succussfully crawls after something out of his reach
25: First Christmas!! (See Photos!)
26: Another Plane trip - Now lets go skiing in Vail!
9 mos : 23 lbs 6 oz, 28 7/8 inches
: Recognizes own name, feeds self
Feb. 15: Crawls up and down stairs
20: Can push toy cart across the room
25: Learns how to swing feet of the edge of the bed to get down
28: Drinks from a straw
March 2: We buy our first pair of shoes
10: Pumpkin gets bronchitis
13: Takes 2 unassisted steps
27: ANOTHER plane trip (Guess where!)
30: The first Easter (See Photos!)
12 months: 25 lbs 5 oz, 31 1/8 inches !!
One Year Birthday Party - Lets Cut to the Photos!
The Second Year (May 97 - May 98)
May 17ish: Pumpkin gets the chicken pox. Ack!
Aug. 9: Pumpkin is weaned. (Mommy is a little sad)
The Terror turns Two!
The Third Year (May 98- May 99)
June: The Terror becomes a big brother.
The Fourth Year (May 99 - May '00)
May ?? - ??: Plane trip to FLA! Pumpkin can say Manatee.
May 17: Start lightly potty training.
July 6 : Finally, totally potty trained!
Aug. 15: First allowed to go to a friends house to play without mommy right there
Aug. 30: Now sleeping in Underwear! Yippee
Sept. : Begin taking swimming lessons!
Oct. : Counts to 12, Knows most of ABCs
Dec. 15: Puts on jacket by himself and can zip it all the way up
Dec. 24: Our 3rd Christmas! (Photos!)
Jan. 10 '00: Seems to finally understand that mommy is having another
Begins to carry around 2 stuffed animals, calling them his babies. Wants mommy to breastfeed one while he breastfeeds the other (Too Cute!) Begins demanding that he, too, has a baby in his tummy.
Jan. 22: Sleeps in his new bedroom!
Sometime in March: Becomes a big brother times 2!
Back to the Main Pumpkin Page
Or go meet my siblings at:
Precious Angel Baby's page | Twinkle's
Last but not least, our humble producer: Mom
Last updated:
January 24, 2000