Volume 4, Issue 8, Number 1
August 7, 2000
Hi ho, Hi ho . . .It's off to work I go!
y life. Well, I've now been at work for 6 days (two weeks.) My first day back was July 31. My goodness I'm LOVING it! LOVING IT! What a total (huge!) surprise. After all that stress and agonizing - to have it be fun? The first day was so strange - I was expecting the kids to be seriously pissed off because they we getting up at 6:40 instead of 8, but no one seemed to mind. I thought they'd scream that they were going to daycare, but they were excited. I thought I would cry when I left Stealth Baby, but it wasn't so bad. And the first thing I found when I got to work was, sitting on my chair, notification of a small promotion. It was like God smiling on me to say I was doing the right thing. I even ended up working 15 extra minutes by accident because I was having so much fun. Well, fun is not the right word - but it was exciting and stimulating to be back. (Yippee, uninterrupted internet access! How did I survive my maternity leave without it?)The second day was MUCH harder. First, when dropping off Stealth Baby I casually asked how he had done the day before and they said he didn't eat (which I noticed from the fact we got all our bottles of breastmilk back) and was fussy and unhappy much of the day. "Wanted to be held all the time," was the exact quote. (The positive, looks like he got held most of the day) It was strange getting home at 6 - not being done with dinner till 6:30, and then having the kids go to bed at 8:30. The next morning when I dropped them off I felt like I had not seen them at all! And since Stealth Baby doesn't sleep at daycare (you'll remember Precious didn't either. I think it has to do with the fact they both are so observant. They have a hard time sleeping with all the other kids there to watch and observe.) he falls asleep at like 7:15. So I REALLY REALLY miss him. So the second day at work I felt more guilty - especially because I enjoy my job so much. Oh yeah - and Stealth Baby exploded on the second day so they called to chide me for not bringing in any extra clothes.
Next funny story - so the following Monday I'm getting sick of taking in 4 bottles and bringing 3 back. I figure I could freeze this liquid gold for later in the year when I can't catch up. So on Monday I only take in 3 bottles and freeze one. Wouldn't you know they called me at noon (noon!!) to say he'd eaten all 12 oz already and what should they do? Boy did I look retarded. I felt really dumb, so I didn't want them to give him some other baby's reserve formula so Hubby took a half day and took some formula in. SO now we always have a little extra reserve formula there in case he ever needs more breastmilk then I can give him again. Wow, I really felt stupid!
So far things are going well. The thing I most dreaded was getting up, but we're doing OK. On Wed. Pumpkin had a screaming fit because daddy was already gone and he wanted to give him a kiss and a hug. (This caused Precious to start screaming. Joy) However, other than that things have been rather going to plan, which is very difficult with three totally random kids. Right now I'm getting up at 6:30. I get Stealth Baby up at 6:40 to feed, but half the time he won't nurse then. Instead he wants to bounce up and down and generally screw around and smile at mommy. Which is dreadfully cute, but I'd rather he'd nurse. Instead I get to work and have to pump like right away. Golly boss, I'd love to meet with you, but before I even turn on my computer I need to pump. Yep, that's me - Joe professional - on mommy track. (Happily, my boss doesn't get in until 9:30, so with me getting in at 8:15 I don't think he notices this yet.) Anyway - I'm all packed and ready the night before and have the kids shoes laid out and everything. We even dress the kids in the clothes we want them to wear the next day so there's no fuss. (I don't think this will work during the winter when I'll want them in sleepers, so that is going to add some serious time to my mornings) So I want to walk out the door by 7. Hubby is helping. So far we've been doing pretty well and I've been leaving daycare by 7:15. So I sign in at work at 8:15 and leave at 4:45, get home by 5:50. Hubby gets home anywhere between 4:30 and 5:15. (Love random DC traffic.) Really it's usually about 4:45 to 5. So he puts dinner in and deals with 3 hungry fussy kids. We eat nearly the minute I walk in the door.
tealth Baby's life. Stealth Baby continues to be the word's greatest baby! Wow is he wonderful!! He wants to 'lunge' around constantly. Every time you pick him up some primeval part of his brain kicks in saying 'must try to stand up!' So he tries to bounce up and down by straighten his knees - but it's not a graceful fluid bounce but this jerky 'lunge'. And he always does this as I try to hold him over my shoulder. Inevitably, he hits his chin (repeatedly) on my shoulder so he has honest to goodness bruises on his chin! Even the daycare ladies laugh at how 'energetic' he is. They write that every day on his sheet, and Precious's teacher keeps telling me how 'funny' she thinks Stealth Baby is.We continue to have some sleep issues. Stealth Baby's first night in the crib was July 26. Boy was it a disaster! But it had to be done - he's too big for the carseat and too big for the bassinet. And I don't sleep any better (and neither does he, really) when he's in bed beside me. In general Stealth Baby does NOT sleep well. If I can get him into a dead sleep so he stays on his back when I put him in the crib, all is well. But what usually happens is often he immediately roll onto his side - and then later in the night (like 2 hours later) he'll roll onto his stomach and then wake up almost at once. So I'm putting him to bed at 7:30 - and getting up at 10, at 12, at 3, at 5 . . . Argh! And you know Precious's not getting a good night rest hearing Stealth Baby fuss. And since I often have a hard time falling back alseep, I am like zombie lady. Meanwhile - hello? He's 5 months old! The mommy's isn't supposed to be sleep deprived to the point of exhaustion at 5 months! It seems that the days he has daycare - where he's not sleeping well during the day - if I can keep him up to 8 we then have a reasonably good night in that he'll get up around 3 and then maybe again around 5. Somehow, Stealth Baby never learned how to fall back asleep on his own, he lacks self soothing skills. I'm sure this is my fault for keeping him in bed with me for so long, and now I'm paying for it. The positive is that I think we are getting somewhere!
Stealth Baby is now in a NEW carseat (Aug. 5). The seat he was in, the backwards facing infant seat/carrier/stroller) was only good up to 20 pounds - which he is already at. Moreover, it is now the law that infants have to be in backwards facing car seats until they are a year old. Most of these dumb seats are only backwards facing up to 20 pounds, which is useless for us. We had to find one good, backwards facing, to 30 pounds. Aunt JoAnn gave us a car seat similar to Pumpkin's so that Precious could be in that one and Stealth Baby could have the one she's in now. (It's the one you guys gave us. We really like it!) But Hubby and I don't think Precious is ready to move into a big seat like that. So she's still in the very encasing comfortable toddler seat and we got Stealth Baby a similar one. We were actually looking for the exact same one, but they don't make it any more. So the one he has now is a very plush super seat. The negative is that he can't hold himself upright yet. Since he can't sit up, when we go places - like to church - our options are to hold him the whole time or bring in a stroller. See, the old car seat also doubled at an infant carrier. We had our first problem with this last night when I went to McD's (it was rainy and Hubby is out of town). I forgot the stroller and Stealth Baby fell asleep in my arms. And how do I put the kids shoes on with Stealth Baby sleeping in my arms? Or take Pumpkin to the bathroom?
Stealth Baby is doing OK in daycare. I wouldn't say he is thriving, which is (of course) what you hope for. Pumpkin thrived in daycare, even as an infant! Stealth Baby seems a bit overloaded by the stimulation and not so thrilled with the bottle. The first few days he would eat 1 bottle with no problem. But then it was like he was waiting for me to come back and feed him. After all, every other time he'd had a bottle he'd have a total of 1 and then mommy would come home. I think he was trying to replicate that situation. And his sleep patterns are weird. Although I've mentioned he's not a huge napper at home. But he talkes lots of short naps at home. I wouldn't say I'm having second thoughts - I'm really enjoying my time at work way too much - but I do have more guilt. The positive is that the daycare has lights out from 11 to 1 and tries to calm everyone down for naps- so I'm hoping Stealth Baby, even as a 5 month old, gets used to that as a nap time. I'm trying for noonish to be naptime for EVERYONE here at home. (Note, Pumpkin is in his bedroom awake and complaining as I write this. But one hour of down time won't kill him.)
recious's life. What's new with Precious? She's as darling as she ever was. Precious is now in the 2s class at daycare. She seems to like it. Hard to tell since she's not very verbal about her day. Yesterday I had to pick the kids up because Hubby's on travel - and it was 'dress up day' in the 2s class. So when I went to get her, there she is with her head through the arm hole of a velvet vest and random clothes on the floor.She went potty at daycare (Aug. 9) for the first time. As I've mentioned, I've had limited success here at home. The positive at daycare is that they take all the kids to the potty to try several times a day - and when she 'performs' they give her a cookie. I just don't have the time to 'take and try' several times a day. I thought maybe I'd get an old peanut butter jar and use it as a potty treat container and be a little more serious about the potty thing. She is certainly bright enough to know what is going on. I'm not sure if she's ready or not.
The other day they were playing with fingerpaint! Oh dear lord did she have bright pink paint ALL over herself! It was just outstanding! I should have taken a picture. It was like a new wave hairstyle where we used pink dye to highlight her face. So her hair was a riot - she even had paint in her eyebrows. Needless to say I had to give her a bath that night, there was no way she could be seen anywhere looking that that!
umpkin's life. Get this - Pumpkin now stands up to go potty! I am not sure exactly when he learned this. I'll bet he learned it at daycare, because it is certainly not something Hubby and I have taught him. It is so funny to hear him explain what he is doing too! He has to hold his 'pee pee' so he doesn't miss and pee on the floor. It doesn't sound funny reading it, but say it as seriously and earnestly as a 4 year old can, as if you are imparting life saving information!Pumpkin now almost counts to 20. He also can spell his name, hJon. It's pretty amusing - he draws the J first, then the o n and then always puts the h in the front. He's like me in that he consistently confuses 'b' and 'p' . That is somewhat scary. I do that all the time.
Pumpkin really seems to enjoy his class. He's now in the Pre-K, or pre-kindergarten class. There are 12 kids his age, and I think he often plays in a group with the younger class as well. Pumpkin just loves his teacher, Ms. Fahima. Originally she was in the nursery when Pumpkin was there too! I really like both her and the other Pre-K teacher Mrs. Saria. I like Miss Fahima more though. The highlight of Pumpkin's day is getting a sticker. He is just so thrilled to get them - so we 'save' them by placing them on the side of the TV (oh yes, Hubby just loves that) We also have to pick up his 'papers' every day - the drawings, him practicing writing his name, stuff like that. He treats these as if they were sheets of gold! He has to carry them and place them in a very special spot (behind the bag of cat food) and if he notices that we throw any away he gets quite upset.
Random: I think I mentioned that Pumpkin is in a computer class at daycare. He's been playing quite a bit on the computer here at home. We've also been playing 'Mail' where I fold of pieces of paper to pretend they're mail and Pumpkin puts them in a little truck and delivers them to us. We've also been doing quite a bit of cutting and pasting. Totally random cutting and pasting, but fun anyway. Precious makes a mess.
Gotta run. Pumpkin up.