On 27 Jan I took an MWR trip to the mountains.
We drove on a bus to a nice village in the mountains, called Elati.
It was raining so hard we could not see the mountains at all.
After about an hour stay in Elati we took off
for the Ski "resort" outside of Pertouli. It is a beautiful location.
The mountains are gorgeous. Several of out group took the ski lift to the
top of the mountain and took pictures.
As I walked in the quite snow covered forest in the mountains, it was hard
to believe I was not back in Oregon, but in Greece. I walked through undisturbed
snow. It was beautiful.
I really felt humbled by the serenity and beauty. After an
hour or so, I returned to the lift and rode it back down the mountain.
On the return trip we stopped in the town of Neraidohori for a wonder late lunch.
As you can see the scenery was beautiful and the air was so crip and clear. i
really enjoyed the trip. It just was not long enough.