If prior experience is any guide, the visitors to this site will be varied and fascinating. Is this a great time, or what?

Joy(lee) Togesen - 07/15/00 17:48:03
My Email:togesen@sprynet.com
How did you find your way here?: Charlie's page
What do we have in common?: Charlie Perkins
I enjoyed your camera work on the video that Charlie sent for Robert's Birthday. I feel I know you a little bit from that and your web page. I hope we can meet sometime, and as I told Charlie, you are welcome at our place. It is an apartment, but "cozy." We don't have a web page, but hopefully I will remember to send some pix to you guys in the near future. Speaking of pix, your boys are adorable, and I bet lots of fun. Take care, Joy

Tom Rothmann - 03/07/00 01:21:58
My Email:TRothmann@aol.com
How did you find your way here?: alta vista
What do we have in common?: x-country move
Liked your site. I live in LA now but left NY city a year ago. Next month I'm headed back to get my stuff out of my apt there because I bought a house here. Any suggestions on moving myself cross-country? Did you use a moving company? Any help is appreciated. Tom Rothmann

- 11/27/99 05:55:26
i like your pge

11/11/99 00:16:20
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

Gabriela Grolms - 10/20/99 14:07:13
My URL:http://pi.nta.no/norsk/icell/index.html
My Email:gabriela.grolms@telenor.com
How did you find your way here?: see below
What do we have in common?: We know Charlie :-)
got a hint from a colleague of mine that Charlie began at Nokia - great! I met him at MOBICOM_98 and we had an interesting discussion about Mobil IP in cellular systems. Actually, I intended to invite him to our lab (Telenor R&D in Oslo) during IETF in Oslo, but really had nothing interesting to show. Thus, I simply did not dare to. But now, I might have. (By the way, the stuff on the web is quite old, not updated at all). Some interesting things are happening arount Mobile IP, IEEE802.11, GSM/GPRS and AAA, not only at our labs but in a real testbed. We call it I-CELL which is a synonym for cellular Internet. I can tell more later. I would really love to establish some kind of cooperation or so, if he is interested. In particular with respect to AAA in our mobile testbed. Nokia at least is the right partner with respect to the application of IETF-protocols in cellular systems. Telenor, too :-))) Thinking about 3rd generation UMTS, IMT2000 and so. Let's keep in touch Remember me? Best regards from Oslo/Kjeller Gabriela

David Mooney - 09/09/99 22:21:33
My URL:file:/dev/null
My Email:pez@vex.net
How did you find your way here?: Informant in international secret cabal
What do we have in common?: Our birthdays
What a fun page! I especially like P's penguin pictures. I hope California is treating you well.

John Perkins - 04/24/99 01:25:15
My Email:winchstr@airmail.net
How did you find your way here?: you told me
What do we have in common?: relatives
I hope you are all ok. I am sitting here at home bored. I was hoping to go out with a friend tonight 4/23/99, but he hasn't returned my call. I may go watch Elaine bowl, but it's getting late. I love you all. Take care. John

David and Laura - 03/12/99 04:44:02
My Email:da_wexler@hotmail.com
How did you find your way here?: Moving (again)
What do we have in common?: We moved from Rockland County, NY to the Bay Area too!
Love your list - especially about the bagels. California (the bay area) is WAY different from NY! We finally adjusted and now we are saying goodbye to move to North Carolina !

Shara Jette - 11/26/98 21:23:57
My Email:sharajette@hotmail.com
How did you find your way here?: links
What do we have in common?: moving to CA from Boston
It was so comforting to see that someone had positive information to share about CA. I am in Boston now, and will be relocating to San Diego soon. I am scared to go by myself, but I know it is the right thing. Can't wait to have a green Christmas.

10/02/98 12:20:13
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Paula Burch - 06/11/98 16:35:47
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~pburch/
My Email:pburch@bcm.tmc.edu
How did you find your way here?: DaveJ's page
What do we have in common?: kids, etc.

Dennis Pearce - 05/29/98 21:37:55
My Email:depearce@lexmark.com
How did you find your way here?: diligent net searches for old friends
What do we have in common?: good old conversations in IBM
This is cool -- I've wondered what happened to you. Hope your two kids are as much fun as my two. I'll send you some email when I get a chance.

Jan Silbermann - 05/26/98 16:57:24
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Flats/2904
It is ncie to see you again. I really enjoyed the pictures of the kids and seeing what they are doing on their pages. Jan

Tara Alemany - 05/15/98 17:25:38
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Estates/9779
My Email:elizas_mom@geocities.com
How did you find your way here?: The link you left in my guestbook!
What do we have in common?: Kids, communication, and a love of mooting!
Nope. Mothering is nothing like I thought it would be. I expected to be a total failure, and it seems that I actually have a knack for it! My family are all really impressed by my parenting skills, since I didn't have much of a role model. Anyway, great page! Glad to see it. When did you create it? There was only one visitor in your counter. Am I it, or have you recently reset it, or isn't it working? Say "hi" to Charlie and the kids for me! - Tara P.S. Stop by my page again sometime soon. When geocities gets it's uploader working again, I'll be putting up the latest pictures of Eliza (all five months and one tooth of her)!

Sue P - 02/13/98 15:40:13
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Athens/Acropolis/6842
My Email:scp4@psu.edu
How did you find your way here?: DaveJ's page
What do we have in common?: besides the kids, various internet friends, liking John Lennon? Probably lots!
hi Diane. Stopped by to check out your place. I like it. It fits you perfectly. I've got a friend who has a tropical fish site. I'll find his URL and send it off to you.

kimmysue - 02/05/98 02:46:20
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/heartland/Hills/3651/
My Email:kimmysue@jps.net
How did you find your way here?: surfin Geocities
What do we have in common?: not sure
I think you can take the Geocities Banner off your page. I know I had to "add" the banner to my page. Or at less you use to be able too. Toodles kimmysue

Alice Bertelson - 01/19/98 21:32:02
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mumto4ms/fam/
My Email:EAB001@email.mot.com
How did you find your way here?: DaveJ's email :-)
What do we have in common?: LOTS!! kids mostly!!
Great Page Diane - I put my URL above, but techniclaly it's not ready yet and if you go there it will give you an error as I haven't finished and uploaded it yet!!! But I am turnign into a Webpage techno weenie :-) Cheers, Alice the Brit and the 4 M&M's

Kevran - 01/16/98 01:28:49
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Estates/2034
My Email:narvek@geocities.com
How did you find your way here?: Why I just happened upon it one day!
What do we have in common?: Fantastic kids;taste in music, food, movies; great familes;interesting SOs,etc.
I like your site. It's so homey and warm. - K

Marijke - 01/15/98 01:18:47
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Athens/Forum/2511
My Email:marijke@mediconsult.com
How did you find your way here?: Kevran's book....
What do we have in common?: hmm, the planet?
Nice to see your page....Now that you've moved, guess it's the only way I'm going to get to "see" you..... how come you haven't been by to see mine yet? I like the pictures. I don't have a scanner so that makes it kind of difficult for me to do the same hing, don't you think? I'll be back for more....

Patti Bachrach - 01/13/98 14:16:40
My Email:pbachrac@son1.nur.uth.tmc.edu
How did you find your way here?: Your email
What do we have in common?: Kids and the Hard Rock Cafe!
Hi, Diane! What a great page! You did a really nice job. Take care.

Yuval Kfir - 01/06/98 04:01:35
My Email:yuval@valor.com
How did you find your way here?: Via your email message :)
What do we have in common?: Kids, geekness... and some delicious remains of Heather's cakes!
Must say your virtual home feels almost as friendly as your real home! And I do hope this is not the last time I visit either of them.

Derek Brozowski - 12/27/97 04:04:36
My Email:derek90126@aol.com
How did you find your way here?: My father told me about it.
What do we have in common?: You know!
Hi Aunt Dianne! Merry Christmas! Say HI to Greg and Philip for me! Happy New Year!

Jamie Lynch - 12/26/97 07:15:32
How did you find your way here?: your mail silly !
What do we have in common?: A lot !
Dear Diane, I couldn't find the pic but didn't have much time to look for it either. We are off in the AM to NM. I had a great time with you hiking and hope we can do more of that sort of stuff in the future. Loved Gregs homepage and look forward to exploring more of your stuff. I have tried several times to establish a home page on GeoCities but every time I click on an empty house, it dumps everything! I drop right out of AOL even. We will be off line for a week while we are at my sisters; I will miss it and m ybe it is a good thing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Love Jamie Lynch

Steven J. Rundlett - 12/23/97 23:34:07
My Email:woodguy@ibm.net
How did you find your way here?: Di told me
What do we have in common?: We are corporate warriors!
Your site's getting cooler, Di & Charlie. It was nice seeing you all this past summer. Might maybe get out your way one day, even, although I find it hard to leave the S.W. Hope you have a great holiday! Btw, thanks for the card. L,Me

Kavitha - 12/23/97 20:15:13
My Email:Kavitha@watson.ibm.com
How did you find your way here?: through Charlie's homepage
What do we have in common?: Liking for NewYork, fear of earth quakes ... :-)
I think your home page is very cute and delightfull. Just thought will let you know. Wish you, Greg, Philps & Charlie a Merry Christmus and a very Happy New Year

Beth Wess - 12/17/97 00:13:08
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Acres/8878
My Email:bweiss@erinet.com
How did you find your way here?: Your e-mail!
What do we have in common?: rugrats
How fun! Maybe we all ought to move into the same virtual block!

Charlie P. - 12/15/97 19:24:06
My URL:http://www.srvloc.org/~charliep
My Email:cperkins@eng.sun.com
How did you find your way here?: From my home page
What do we have in common?: Quite a lot, actually
Can't wait to get home to see you again :-)

Bill J. - 12/13/97 15:28:39
My Email:bebpjohn@rt66.com
How did you find your way here?: Via Kevran
What do we have in common?: rugrats!
Love it, Diane... As I told Kevran, I'm curiously illiterate when it comes to web sites, because trends in 1990s computing have diverged almost 100% from the traditional uses that physicists have for computers. And since my job is more political than technical these days, I haven't had much incentive to get any expertise back. It's therefore a lot of fun to see how a *good* personal web page is done. Some day we too will do this! One thing: have you noticed any down sides (spams, etc.) to using geocities? Ciao! -- Bill.

David Northey - 12/10/97 17:05:08
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/heartland/estates/1965
My Email:davidn@kalamazoo.co.uk
How did you find your way here?: Geocities Neighbourhood
What do we have in common?: Apart from being in the same neighborhood on Geocities....
Keep up the good work, hope you settle in your new home soon!

Dad - 12/09/97 20:45:10
My URL:http://Geocities/heartland/acres/7233
My Email:areese@ibm.net
How did you find your way here?: via internet
What do we have in common?: Well!!!
Hi Di and all, Think you home page is delightful. Mine is just starting :-( What and where do I get the editor to set up the page. I seem to have great trouble with that since the site is so darn slow at times. I'm about to show this to Mom as soon as her soap opera is over. She'll love it all. Dad

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