Welcome BWCA residents! This is the place where you can keep up with what's happening in the neighborhood. On top of that, you'll find links to sites useful to you as a resident of Reston, of Fairfax, and of Virginia, whether you're a homeowner or renter, an adult or a kid. Please let us know what you'd like to see here!
This site was last updated on April 16, 2009.
The new mailboxes are installed and operational. Almost all mailbox keys have been distributed, but if you have not received yours please contact a member of the board. Please include your house number in any message or email.
Dues for the May 1 2009 - April 30 2010 fiscal year were set at $175 per quarter at the annual meeting. This which is an increase of $5 per quarter, or less than 3%.
Mailboxes will be replaced starting the week of April 6, 2009 weather permitting. Come to the Annual Meeting (see below) to pick up your new key (renters and homeowners alike). Alternate arrangements will be available for receiving your key if you are unable to come to the meeting. The existing mailboxes will be available for use during the construction.
The BWCA Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 8, 2009 at 7 PM in the Armstrong Elementary School cafeteria. The annual assessment will be set at this meeting and new officers and board members will be elected. See the full agenda for details. If you cannot attend please fill out a proxy form and give it to someone who will be going to the meeting or to a board member, so that we can have the required quorum to hold the meeting.
Our management company mailed corrected invoices for the November assessment along with a letter explaining the previous invoices showing a charge of $340. If you already paid the previous invoice (either the correct amount of $170 or the $340 shown on the original invoice), you do not owe any more at this time. The next new invoice for $170 will be mailed in mid-January to be paid by the end of February. If you have any questions about your account please use the online account access or call GHA at 703-752-8300.
The invoices for the November quarterly assessment show an amount due of $340. The invoices are incorrect; the assessment is still $170 per quarter. We will work with the management company to find out why this error happened and correct it. As long as you do not have a past-due balance from previous assessments you only need to pay $170 by the end of November. The next invoice will come in January for the February quarterly assessment. We apologize for the confusion. If you have any questions please contact the treasurer.
Our new management company, GHA Condominium Management (see below), recently mailed invoices dated 7/1/2008. If your Total Due is blank, you do not owe anything at this time and do not need to do anything. Our next quarterly payment is scheduled for August. Most of the associations GHA manages are billed monthly and due to the short time available for the transition we believe they mailed invoices to all of their new associations. You will receive a new invoice for the $170 August payment in the next few weeks.
GHA Condominium Management, LLC, a subsidiary of Gates, Hudson & Associates, has purchased assets of our former management company, Koger Management Group. Koger was under bankruptcy count protection. GHA will use the same billing procedures, banking setup, and software programs as the former management company. Our account manager has also been hired by GHA and is still our account manager. We expect a smooth transition, but please let a member of the board or officers know if you encounter any problems.
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For further information or assistance, please contact an officer or member of the board of directors. This web site is maintained by James Juran (jamesjuran@alumni.psu.edu). Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding the web site.