Kysha's Story

Mew!  My name is Kysha and I was a shelter kitty too.  When I was a baby, I lived with my sister in a house with a family.  But then someone in the family got allergic to us, and they couldn't keep us anymore.  At the same time, my meowmie was convincing my daddy that they should adopt a kitty.  They used to go to the Toronto Humane Society all the time, and look at all the cats.  Most of the time meowmie would cry, cuz there were so many kitties and not enuf people to adopt them all.  Well, it was a miracle, cuz a few days after meowmie and daddy got married in 1995, daddy said to meowmie "Let's go to the shelter and get a kitten!" Meowmie was so happy! I remember when I first saw meowmie and daddy - they were staring into the cage where my sister and I were playing.  We tried really hard to make them love us - we started boxing with each other!  That worked, cuz the shelter lady came and picked me up and I knew I had a new home.  I was sad to leave my sister, but I knew that she'd get adopted too, cuz she was young and cute like me.  The shelter lady said I got adopted cuz I'm all black except for a white star on my chest. Because I got adopted on the spur of the moment, meowmie and daddy had to buy all my food, bowls and box right away.  Instead of a carrier, I had to go home in a box - I hated it!  Meowmie put the box on the floor of the car by her feet, cuz it was December and it was warm there on the floor.  I saw her feet and kept meowing and trying to dig and chew my way out of the box!  Daddy kept saying it's okay, we'll take care of you and love you forever, and that made me feel better. When I got home I got sick with the kitty flu.  My tummy felt funny and I was sneezing and my nose was kinda drippy.  Part of it was cuz I was sad to be away from my sister.  Meowmie and daddy took me to a nice vet though, and I got better real fast. Now I've got a step brother named Jasper.  I love him, but we don't get along very well.  He's a jock and I'm more the quiet and intellectual type so we kinda avoid each other.  But that's okay, cuz at least I have company when meowmie and daddy are away. If you're thinking of getting a kitty, or any pet, paw-lease go to your local shelter.  There are so many animals waiting to be loved, just like I was.

You can visit me at my Homepage

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