Lyf's Lounge E-mail

Gathering your wits and preparing yourself for this cave, you enter cautiosly...Walking farther and farther into the cave you finally see a green dragon...At the same time..she notices YOU.. "Ach, Greetings! Have you enjoyed your visit with my friends? Good Good! My name is Lyf,"She gives you a shy smile and you are oddly touched.."If you want to see me in my other stages, Kitten took pictures and they are at the bottom of my cave.."You smile and go to look at them,,"You were an adorable baby, Lyf, and you cocoon is interesting, you blossomed as a teen and are a very beautiful adult!"....."Thank you kindly.."..she smiles..Braveheart, my mate will apperciate that..OH He is wonderful! sweet and kind..Visit his page to see my love....And while you are there..drop by and see my daughter Asrai.."..she gives you a dreamy happy smile..."Fare well on your travels.."

Name: Lyf
Age: Adult
Keeper: Kitten
Dragonetts: Destiny Asrai

Lyf's Messages

Lyf's an egg

a hatchling

she cocooned

Lyf as a teen!

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