~As you enter the cave all you see are two brilliant torches with purple flame..they illuminate a sign that says Welcome..Puzzled you simply stand and glance about the cave..then suddenly the flames cast a flicker of light into a corner..intrigued, you walk carefully over to a regal green with eyes the colour of bloodwyne that look at you and you feel them probe your being..the dragon also has a beautiful necklace with a stone the same color..but then as if taking pity..she begins to speak..~.."Hello..I'm Micath..I am a Nimbulan dragon..this is my home..I must tell you! I have gotten a mate now Chancelloth..his proposal was so sweet..he wrote to me and attached it to a golden rose..is that not sweet?..I am glad you have come..I welcome all visitors..please come back agian sometime..
Name: Micath
Age: Adult
Sex: Female
Color: Green
Type: Nimbulan
Mate: Chancelloth
Children: N/A
Torch from Mystics Fantasy Gallery
Bar fromDana's Free Gold