Welcome to

The Godfather's Web Page

With so many different and fun web sites to check out, I am glad you stopped in! There are some interesting sites here as well. And while you are here, take a moment and sign my guestbook! I welcome all comments, please send me mail, unless it is hate mail or some really nasty stuff.....well, it depends on HOW nasty it is!!

Speakeasy Pens and Gifts - www.speakeasypens.com

This is a wonderful side business that my brother and I have started. It is fun to hand-craft such wonderful gifts that make people so happy...but don't take our word for it - click on the banner and see for yourself!

Here are some links for you to



The Shawshank Redemption Web Page!

This page includes sounds, pictures, reviews, fun facts, and much, much more about The Shawshank Redemption. I started this project in college for a web content project, and it grew into what it is now. I get tons of email from all over the world and it is fun. I enjoy being an "authority" on the movie and welcome anyone's inquiry. Thanks for helping make the website one of the best for easily the best movie ever!!!

A pict-o-rama of stuff from my weekend in Chicago.

A gallery of pictures from my trip to Cincinnati.

An awesome Green Bay Packer Page within "The Family".

Guestbook by Lpage

You are guest number
as of 12/1/97.

You are guest number as of 9/28/98

To contact the guy who made this crazy, self-centered page, mail to me=

The Godfather himself


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