Family Gathering on Thursday Afternoon was a Most Enjoyable Affair
The Gibson Reunion was held at Grace Church, Cherryhill township, on Thursday, and it was largely attended, some 300 persons being present. Many of the folks came in carriages and buggies, and a large contingent on the trolley cars. Of course, the guest of honor, was Grandfather Hiram Gibson, now in his 94th year. Although somewhat feeble, the old gentleman enjoyed the occasion to the utmost, and was happy in the company of so many descedants and relatives. At noon a picnic dinner was spread on a long table erected for the affair, and there were more than enough provisions remaining to provide supper for those, who continued the pleasures of the day until that time.
Immediately after dinner the formal exercises of the day occurred. Ross Mahan, president, made an address of welcome, which was characteristic of him, and which made everyone feel at home. Dr. T. D. Stevens, of Penn Run, replied, in an effort, which was fitly described as a cracker-jack.Music numbers were contributed by Miss Widdowson, Miss Martha Jaquish, Mrs. Meda Houck, and Mr. Waddell. Recitations were given by Miss Elsie Willett, of Gowanda, N.Y., Thelma Moorhead, and Terza Moorhead.
The principal address of the day was made by Rev. J. C. N. Park , and it was a good one. He pointed out the necessity for more workers on the farm, and outlined the advantages and pleasures of rural life. Prof. Weaver was called upon and made an extemporaneous talk, which struck the proper chord. At this point, a shower of rain drove the picnickers into Grace Church, which had kindly been offered for use by the church authorities. Here several favorite hymns were sung, and a number of talks were made.
Officers were elected as follows: Ross Mahan - president; Katheryn Moorehead - secretary; and S. C. Gibson - treasurer. A committe of arrangements was named as follows: Dr. Stephens, S. T. Gibson, Irwin Gibson, Calvin Gibson, John Gibson, and H. G. Moorhead.
By this time, the sun had come out, and the crowd went outdoors for some fun. S. T. Gibson, and Harry Moorhead were the only entries in the free-for-all satchel race, the former winning. The loser claimed foul, because his opponent had stepped on the coat-tails of his wrapper, throwing him to the ground. The claim was not allowed. In the clothespin race for ladies, Mrs. Nora Shaffer, and Miss Mary Dick, were the winners.
The reunion next year will be held at the same place, at a date in August, to be set by the committee of arrangements.
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