1. Man once suggested the reason God rested on the
7th day after creation was because He was tired.
a. Said creating all this
was hard work.
b. We know that was not
why God "rested."
c. He ceased from creating
because all He had made was "very good."
d. He hallowed the sabbath
day by His rest.
e. It was a day to worship
God and to contemplate on His greatness and all His works.
2. However, this raises an interesting question:
Does God ever get weary?
3. Did you know God does get weary? The Bible says
a. There are two words used
for "weary."
b. They both have the idea
of being worn down, exhausted, panting as if tired.
4. Today we'll examine some things that "weary"
5. God is wearied by:
A. The Charge.
1. Vs. 10
-- Israel compared to people of Sodom and Gomorrah.
a. We know the wickedness of these cities and God's judgment upon them.
b. Reveals how God feels about worship that is mere ritual.
2. Vs. 11
-- Brought many sacrifices, but "to what purpose?"
See what God says about "going through the motions" in worship.
a. "I am full of burnt offerings."
b. "I delight not in the blood of bullocks."
3. Vs. 12
-- Worship must be from our hearts, not because it is forced or required.
4. Vv. 13-14
-- Worship without reality affects every aspect of our service.
a. Our offering. (VAIN OBLATIONS = empty, futile offerings.)
b. Our assembling.
1) The new moons & sabbaths, even the solemn assembly.
2) Those times that should have been special in the worship of God.
5. Vs. 14
-- "I am weary to bear them."
(WEARY = worn down; worn out.)
6. Isaiah 29:13
-- God's testimony of Israel's worship.
B. The Challenge.
1. The challenge for the
Lord's churches today is to offer worship that is acceptable to God.
a. Some believe God must accept anything we offer and call
b. This simply is not true. God sets the standards for our worship.
2. John 4:22
-- A real problem today. ("Ye worship ye know not what.")
a. True worship begins when we get a glimpse of who we worship.
b. Worship = "All that I am responding to all that God is."
3. See what Psalm
96 says about this.
a. Vs. 8 -- "Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his
b. Vs. 9 -- "O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."
4. Can't truly say some
things done in the name of worship glorify God or are "in the beauty
of holiness."
a. Matt. 15:7-9 -- Jesus to those of His day.
b. II Tim. 3:1, 5 -- Paul, speaking of our day.
5. John 4:24
-- Definitive verse on the requirement for true worship.
a. Must be according to truth.
b. Our spirits must be acted upon by the Holy Spirit and respond to all
God is.
c. (More Miss. Bapt. controlled by the clock in a worship service than
by the Holy Spirit.)
6. God is wearied by lifeless
worship that is mere form (ritual), that does not come from a heart
that truly desires to glorify Him.
A. The Accusation.
1. Vs. 22
-- God reminds Israel that they have been weary of Him.
a. WEARY = to toil with wearisome or painful effort.
b. Seems to imply dislike or disgust.
2. Notice what He says in
the other verses (23-24) and see that serving God was considered
chore by Israel.
a. Vs. 23 -- Had ignored the burnt offering and other sacrifices.
b. Vs. 24 -- Not filled with the fat of sacrifices.
3. Goes deeper than just
failing to serve God.
Word for "iniquities" had a special reference to idolatry.
a. There is usually a reason people quit serving God, or that service becomes
a burden.
b. Usually, something else takes first place.
c. Anything you love more, serve more, fear more, worship more than God
is an idol.
4. Also, religious works
performed without a true relationship with God are sin -- Matt. 7:21-23.
B. The Application.
1. This verse speaks to
our "sins of commission" and our "sins of omission."
a. I John 5:17 -- "All unrighteousness is sin."
b. James 4:17 -- "To him that knoweth to do good, and
doeth it not, to him it is sin."
c. We can't be sinless, but we sure could sin less.
2. Are we like Israel? Has
it become a burden, a to us to serve God?
a. I John 5:3.
b. John 14:15.
3. I John 2:1
-- Don't sin, but when you do . . .
4. Our constant failures
of God weary Him.
a. Constant need of "revival" in the life of a believer is not "normal"
b. Should dedicate our lives to Him and serve Him faithfully.
A. Words Of Deceit.
1. Chap. 2 of Malachi is
addressed to the priests (vs. 1).
a. By implication, applies to each believer.
b. We believe in the individual priesthood of the believer.
2. Accused of wearying God
with their words.
a. Ask, "Wherein have we wearied him?"
b. "When ye say . . . "
3. Isaiah 5:20.
4. Ever hear anyone say,
"I know what the Bible says, but here is what I believe?"
a. Have just done the same thing.
b. Have substituted their own unrighteous ideas for the Word of God.
5. God is wearied by:
a. Our claims to love Him when our lives declare otherwise.
b. Our empty promises -- Eccl. 5:1-5.
c. Words we sing but don't mean.
1) "I Surrender All"
2) "I Have Decided To Follow Jesus"
3) "Oh, How I Love Jesus"
B. Words Of Denial.
1. These (in Mal.
2:17) also denied God's judgment.
a. By word and works.
b. Said, "God's not going to judge."
2. Do we do that? Do we
seem to deny the Judgment Seat of Christ by our lives?
a. Romans 14:10 ; II Cor. 5:10.
b. Judgement Seat of Christ is more than just a doctrine.
It is a reality.
3. Do we give the impression
that God won't chasten us for our sins?
a. Heb. 12:5-8.
b. If you are His, He will chasten.
4. Whether they are words
that deny God's instruction, or words of praise from an insincere
heart, our empty, vain words weary God (Matt. 12:36).
1. There is one other thing that wearies God that
we need to be aware of.
2. Jeremiah 15:6 -- God will grow
weary of withholding judgment.
a. God is longsuffering.
b. He nudges, convicts,
etc. desiring our repentance, but one day mercy will cease.
3. God put up with a lot our of Israel, but they
ignored His mercy. Do we do the same?
a. Romans 2:4
-- "Goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance."
b. God's message to His
churches in Revelation is, "Repent, or else . . . "
4. Lost friend, one day God's mercy will run out
for you.
a. II Peter 3:9
& I Tim. 2:3-4 speak of God's longsuffering.
b. However, listen to II
Thess. 2:11-12 as it speaks of a day when God's longsuffering runs