1. The story of the text.
a. Israelites coming out
of Egypt.
b. Complained against Moses
& Aaron when they became hungry -- Exodus 16:2-3.
c. Ex. 16:4-6
-- God provides manna.
1) MANNA = "What is it?" "It is a portion."
2) Vv. 14-15 -- The appearance of it.
3) Vs. 31 -- The taste of it.
4) Psalm 78:23-25 -- It was angels' food.
5) Num. 11:6 -- Now they claim their "soul is dried away."
2. Drying Joni's "Mexican pepper" to get the seeds.
3. In a measure, this is what the Israelites said
they were doing -- just withering away, drying up.
4. Is strange in that they were being fed from heaven.
5. What causes withered souls?
1. Walking with God promotes fatness of the soul.
(Proverbs 28:25)
a. Heb. 11:5
-- Enoch walked with God.
b. II Kings 2
-- Elijah walked with God.
c. Num. 11:6
-- Israel walked with God for a time, annd He fed them as they walked His
2. When one gets to the point that he does not enjoy
the company & presence of God in his life, he is on
dangerous ground.
a. When the work & way
of God get to be a burden.
b. I John 5:3.
3. Have you ever said (or thought):
a. "I just have to make
myself go to church."
b. "I just don't seem to
get anything out of the services anymore."
c. "Just a few run the church,
anyway. Would you look at what they did in business meeting."
d. "Let me tell you what's
wrong with the church. To begin with . . . "
4. You're not going to get more out than you put
a. Illus. -- Bank savings
or checking account.
b. If you make such statements,
you are showing signs of a withered soul.
1. "The mixt multitude that was among them." Indicates:
a. Israel had compromised
God's law and brought into their midst some who were strangers to Him.
b. They had compromised
His explicit command.
c. They had attempted to
water down the truth.
2. This is what happens when God's people today
are guilty of "a mixed multitude."
a. Water down the truth
to attract the worldly.
b. Receive those who do
not have a good profession of faith.
c. Because we become worldly,
we refuse to obey His explicit commands.
3. It is God's will that we have singleness of vision
-- Matt. 6:22.
4. It is His will that we be perfectly joined together
with Him -- I Cor. 1:10 ; Matt. 5:48.
5. God has declared that we be a separate people.
a. Unlike the world and
its churches.
b. To withdraw from those
who live & walk ungodly.
c. II Cor. 6:17
-- "Come out from among them . . ."
d. II Cor. 6:14-16
-- Cannot mix righteousness & unrighhteousness, dedication & worldliness,
6. Attempting to do so will bring grief & withering
to your soul.
1. They "fell a lusting . . . we remember the
fish . . . "
2. Conversation must have gone something like:
a. "I remember the good
old days. We had fish, cucumbers, leeks, onions, garlic, melons, etc."
b. "And we had no problems.
All we had to do was to obey the Egyptians."
c. "We had it made. What
a life that was!"
3. What happened? The cause of God had become burdensome.
They compromised the truth.
a. Some today remember the
"good old days."
b. Trying to "regain the
glory" with false fire.
4. Some saved try to enjoy being a child of God
while continuing in former lifestyles.
a. Eph. 4:20-24.
b. I Peter 1:13-15.
5. Nothing wrong with remembering the past, but
to desire it for reasons other than the progress of God's
will leads one to a very
withered soul.
1. "There is nothing at all beside this manna."
2. "All we have is this manna. I know all we have
to do is gather it, but it's such a bother . . ."
3. What a shame to complain of God's blessings!
a. "All we have is this
church that preaches, teaches, & boldly stands for the truth."
b. "Why can't we have what
the world's churches have, do like they do?"
4. We have seen God bless this church.
a. Long rich history. Many
faithful, loved, and well known pastors. Many good members.
b. Involvement in missions:
sawmill in Solomons, a mission work in Hope (as well as others).
c. Additions here and in
d. And, He is not through
blessing us if we will faithfully witness, serve, & stand for Him.
5. Sometimes we might hear:
a. "Visitation? I used to
visit, to witness, but no one appreciates it, and it's such a bother."
b. "Teach? I taught once,
but now I've served my time. Need to let someone else do it."
c. "Attend? Once I went
to S.S., BTC, Wednesday night, but now I just don't have the time." (Or,
"There are
other things I'd rather do.")
6. When you find yourself complaining about the
blessings of God, mark it down, you are suffering from a withered soul!
1. Often, it is the judgment of God.
a. Elisha prayed for God's
judgment first.
b. Only when God visited
Israel in judgment did they turn to Him.
2. Repentance is necessary.
a. When Israel would repent,
God would bless.
b. When they sinned God
said, "Turn ye at my reproof."
c. He called upon them as
a nation & individually to repent -- II Chron. 7:14.
d. He calls on us as a church
and as individual members to do the same.
3. Drawing near to God.
a. James 4:8
-- The closer you are to God, the fartheer you are from Satan.
b. James 4:7
-- "Submit yourself to God."
4. Phil. 3:13-14 -- Fix your eyes
upon Jesus.
5. Is your soul fat in the Lord? Or is it withering