1. The 4th chapter, with the exception of one verse,
is the shepherd's speech to his Shulamite bride.
2. The verses of this chapter deal with his love
for her and her lovliness to him.
3. We see in these verses the embodiment of Eph.
5:25-28 (with emphasis on vs. 25).
4. If Jesus loved His church enough to give Himself
for her, how should we feel about the church?
5. As we see from Ephesians 5 and from these verses,
the Lord's churches are very special to Him, and we
should treat them so --
I Cor. 3:16-17.
A. She Is Pure -- Vs. 7.
1. II Cor. 11:2
-- "as a chaste (pure) virginn . . . "
2. Eph. 5:27
-- Here is the Lord's desire for His chhurches.
a. Speaks of both moral and doctrinal purity.
b. GLORIOUS = honored, honorable, distiniguished.
SPOT = mark or stain (in a moral sense).
WRINKLE = a fold that mars appearance.
c. "Be holy and without blemish . . . "
3. Rev. 19:7-8
-- The Bride of Christ.
4. Rev. 14:4-5
-- A description of the Bride?
B. She Is Primary -- Vs. 9.
1. Remember what it was
like to be "in love?"
a. Just the thought of him/her made your heart pound?
b. Just a glimpse of him/her made your heart beat faster (till you thought
it would burst)?
c. That's "honeymoon love" (of Revelation 2).
d. The one loved is first & foremost in your thoughts.
2. "Thou hast ravished
my heart . . . "
(RAVISHED = enflamed, excited; taken away.)
a. After years of marriage husbands and wives sometimes forget honeymoon
b. Churches fall away from their "first love" for Christ.
c. However, Jesus still has that kind of love for us.
3. I believe the thought
of His faithful churches "excites" Him even today.
C. She Is Pretty -- Vs. 10.
1. "How fair is thy love
. . . "
FAIR = beautiful, comely; implies internal as well as external beauty.
2. Matt. 22:37
-- We are instructed to love God. This is to be foremost in our lives.
a. I John 4:10 -- Before salvation we did not love God.
b. We were incapable of it before we were saved.
1) Romans 5:8, 10a.
2) I John 4:7-8.
3. But notice what he says,
"How fair is thy love . . . "
a. The Lord desires for His churches to love the brethren and Him with
a true love.
b. Romans 12:9-10. (DISSIMULATION = hypocrisy.)
4. Do you ever think about
Jesus wanting us, as a church, to express our love for Him?
a. Wives (and husbands) like to hear, "I love you." Like to see that
love demonstrated.
b. Jesus loves His churches, and as we express our love for Him, it is
beautiful to Him.
5. This love is demonstrated
a. Our love for the brethren.
1) I John 5:1-2 ; (John 13:34-35).
2) I John 4:19-21.
b. Our obedience to His commands.
1) John 14:15.
2) I John 2:3-5.
3) I John 5:2-3.
D. She Is Precious -- Vv. 11-15.
1. The things named in these
verses were all items of great value.
a. Milk, honey, fragrance of Lebanon, choice fruits.
b. A (rock) garden locked, a garden spring, a well of fresh water, and
flowing springs.
2. How precious is a New
Testament church?
a. I Peter 1:18-19 -- How precious is the blood of Christ?
1) More precious than silver or gold.
2) More valuable than the blood of a spotless lamb.
b. Acts 20:28 -- New Testament churches were purchased by
this precious blood.
c. Luke 22:20 -- "This is my blood which is shed for
3. That which costs a great
deal is usually very precious to us.
a. We take special care of it.
b. Yet some treat the church "any old way."
4. A problem many times
in marriages -- husbands or wives stop viewing one another as precious
-- of
great value.
5. Some can't/won't see
the value of a New Testament church.
a. Purchased with Christ's blood.
b. Purposed to bring glory to God.
c. Placed to be a strength to her members.
1. She desires the presence of her beloved.
2. Another problem faced by married couples -- separation.
Many forces seem to draw us away from each other.
a. Job -- esp. when both
b. Children -- and doing
things with them.
c. Church -- can if it has
too many activities.
3. Notice that her mind and her love are fixed on
her beloved.
a. She thinks of her beloved.
b. She wants him to return.
4. As a true New Testament church, our mind should
be fixed one Jesus as we desire His return.
a. Matt. 6:9-10
-- "Thy kingdom come . . . "
b. II Tim. 4:6-8
-- The crown of righteousness.
5. We should not be "so heavenly minded that we're
no earthly good," but we should look for the Lord's return.
a. Matthew 6:21.
b. I John 3:3.
1. This church is special to the Lord Jesus. She
should be special to her members.
2. How do you want people to treat your bride? How
do you think the Lord wants people to treat His?