1. Song of Solomon has been called a "mystery" book.
a. Amplified Bible
1) "Few have a clear understanding" of it.
2) It is "generally understood to be a sort of drama, positive interpretation
of which is impossible."
3) Interpretation impossible because:
a) Identity of the speakers is not disclosed.
b) Length of the speeches in not disclosed.
b. Young Jewish boys were
not allowed to read this book until at least 18 years of age (because of
2. Song of Solomon actually seems to speak of the
beauty and faithfulness of marital love.
3. Some present it as having 3 main characters:
The Shulamite bride, her shepherd lover, and Solomon.
4. One accepted view of this book is that it expresses
the love between God and His people (His churches).
5. I would like to study it from this standpoint.
a. The Lord has used the
husband/wife relationship to picture the relationship between Himself and
His churches.
b. We are NOT the Bride
yet, but we, as His churches, are engaged to Him -- II Cor. 11:1-4.
c. However, we know that
His Bride will be chosen from the faithful of His true churches.
6. Thus, the great love between the Shulamite woman
and her shepherd lover pictures how we in the Lord's churches
should feel about Jesus
and how He feels about us.
A. She Desires His Love -- Vs. 2.
1. She values his love more
than anything.
a. "For thy love is better than wine."
b. Eph. 5:25 -- "Husbands love your wives . . . "
c. Genesis 3:16 -- "Thy desire shall be to thy husband."
d. The husband is commanded to love his wife, and she desires that love.
2. As members of a N.T.
church, we should value and desire the love of Christ (above the approval
of the world).
a. Vs. 2 -- "Let him kiss me . . . "
b. Kiss is a demonstration of his love. She desires an expression of love.
c. Jude 21 -- "Keep yourselves in the love of God."
1) IN = in the sphere of
2) Stay where God can fully demonstrate His love for you.
3) Illus. -- By the prodigal son.
4) We are to desire the expression of His love and are to keep ourselves
where He can show it.
a) Can't do that when we're apart from Him.
b) Can only do so when we are near.
B. She Values His Name -- Vs. 3.
1. Just the mention of his
name brings joy.
a. "Thy name is as ointment . . . :
b. "Therefore do the virgins love thee . . . "
2. Ever see someone "in
love" and just the mention of their loved one's name causes a smile?
3. Most of the time, in
marriage, the wife takes the husband's name.
a. Identifies her with him.
b. Reveals her desire to be associated with him.
4. The name of Jesus should
bring joy to His churches.
a. Matt. 1:21 -- A precious name.
b. Phil. 2:9-11 -- An exalted name.
5. To wear His name identifies
us with Him.
a. Acts 20:28 -- Purchased by his blood.
b. II Tim. 2:11-13 -- Not to deny Him.
C. She Desires To Follow Him -- Vs. 4.
1. "Draw me (after
thee), we will run after thee . . . "
2. Eph. 5:22
-- Wives to submit to husbands.
a. Speaks of an orderly arrangement, not servitude.
b. They are to follow the leadership of the husband in the home.
3. Christ is the Head of
His churches.
a. Ephesians 5:23.
b. Colossians 1:14-18.
4. Just as the head gives
direction to the body, Christ gives direction to His churches.
a. Thus, it should be our desire to follow Him.
b. Obedience is evidence of our love -- John 14:15.
1. Vs. 5 -- "I am black."
a. Apparently considered
an unattractive quality.
b. Vs. 6 --
Black because of having to work in the vineyards.
1) Conditions around Jericho.
2) Practice of European royalty.
c. Kedar = bedouin
tribes, descendants of Ishmael. Those who dwelt in the (heat & sun
of the) wilderness.
d. Though thought unattractive,
there is an "odd" beauty to her.
2. This is the attractiveness of marital love.
a. Some will ask, "What
does he/she see in him/her?"
b. However, the one who
loves sees the beauty and attractiveness.
3. The Lord's churches are not really attractive
to the world.
a. They deny our message,
despise our method, and would dethrone our Master.
b. Matt. 5:13
-- Called the salt of the earth.
1) Salt preserves.
2) Salt creates thirst.
3) Salt burns and irritates.
4. The world (& religious world's) attitude
toward true churches is seen in their rejoicing over the death of the
two witnesses in Revelation
a. Olive tree & candlestick
= these two have the same job as Israel and New Testament churches.
b. It is kingdom work --
proclaiming the Word of God to a lost and dying world.
c. At their deaths, the
world rejoices -- vv. 9-10.
5. However, the Lord sees the attractiveness of
His churches.
a. Vv. 9-11, 15.
b. Rev. 19:6-9.
c. Ephesians 5:25-27.
d. A true New Testament
church, faithfully serving the Lord and standing for His truth, is a beautiful
to Him.
1. How should we, as one of the Lord's churches and
as saved ones, look upon Him?
2. Vs. 16 -- "How handsome you
are my beloved."
a. "And so pleasant"
-- She finds her satisfaction in him.
b. As in Gen. 3:16,
her desire is to him.
3. Vs. 17 -- Speaks of fragrance --
cedar & fir (or cypress).
a. Phil. 4:18
-- "an odor of a sweet smell."
b. Ephesians 5:2
-- Jesus.