Leave us a message so we know you were here.

Giuseppe Morelli - 12/16/00 19:37:42
My Email:santelia1981
I enjoyed your site very much. Saluti!

Barb Watkins - 12/11/00 04:50:50
My Email:dbwat@ultraisp.cim
Great history. I wish I could find out more on my Italian relatives. They came from Strangolagalli and settled in Pa. too. My grandfather also worked on the Pa railroad when he first came to the US.

Barb Watkins - 12/11/00 04:50:21
My Email:dbwat@ulraisp.cim
Great history. I wish I could find out more on my Italian relatives. They came from Strangolagalli and settled in Pa. too. My grandfather also worked on the Pa railroad when he first came to the US.

Barbara - 01/30/00 20:43:48
My Email:barbara927@aol.com
You have a beautiful site and I love the music. I am researching the province of Frosinone, cities of Sora and Isola del Liri. The surnames are: Alonzi, Alfonsi, Ferrari, Barone, Mezzone, D'Ambrosio, Caschera, Ferri, and Vitale. I would like to hear from nyone with these names. Thank you.

11/11/99 01:12:45
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Bud/Lola/Sarah Black - 10/29/99 00:20:00
My Email:jblack1@tampabay.rr.com
Hi Guys, I really enjoyed your pages. I feel I know you much better. Its been so long since we have seen each other. I have never met the family. We will get to know each other with the help of the net. Best To You All

John Willforth - 09/22/99 00:38:18
My URL:http://www.westol.com
My Email:jfwil4th@westol.com
Really beautiful. Looks like you're really getting to your roots.

Jim & Carol Marks - 08/11/99 00:32:10
My Email:jmarks01@snet.net
Hi! Ted, You have a great web site. I love it. Someday i would like to do something similar.I'm looking forward to future updates. Jim M

Patti Waldron - 08/05/99 21:23:47
My Email:pmwaldron@hotmail.com
Just thought I'd have a look around and I'm so glad that I did. Nice job!! Keep it up.

Pat Cicuzza - 07/02/99 01:27:11
My URL:http://sisto.com/cicuzza
My Email:sisto@sisto.com
Hi, Also looking for relatives in Alatri, Forsinone, Lazio, Italy. Originally from Johnsonburg, Pa (where most of the family resides). I'm in Houston and looking for relatives from over there when I can. thanks for the links on your site. they'll be useful in continuing the search. adios.

John/Fay Willforth - 04/14/99 14:58:41
My URL:http://www.westol.com
My Email:jfwil4th@westol.com
Beautiful WEB Page! I guess I'm going to have to create one now that you did yours. I can't let someone who CLAIMES a degree of ignorance about computers outshine me in the area I should be setting the pace. But, don't expect anything until the beginn ng of the NEXT MILLENIUM. John

Michelle - 04/08/99 22:33:55
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Pointe/4217/
My Email:lilmikki@geocities.com
Hi Cyndi! I just thought I'd let you know I'd been here, poking around your pages - I've enjoyed my visit very much :o) Please feel free to drop me a line if you ever need a hand with your site - I am here to help!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Community eader

Heartland Estates Community Center

leslie - 04/04/99 22:52:59
My Email:musa817@flash.net
Wow great page! I have no idea what im doing. I tried this a minute ago and this stupid thing said i was trying to do something illegal! Then it kicked me off! Hello anyone out there? Great looking family Ted. Can you go to jail for killing your own compu er? Leslie

Richard Starry - 04/04/99 01:03:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/RStarry/index.html
My Email:rstarry@aol.com
Nice family Ted. You have change since H.S. Maybe it's the beard. LOL But it is nice to see you again.

david cicciarelli - 01/15/99 07:22:46
My Email:Dcicciarelli@sprint.ca
hey i,m a cicciarelli I live in niagara falls canada my parents come from ceccano frosinone i have many cicciarelli relatives in ceccano. your truly David Cicciarelli

10/02/98 12:31:23
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Bjarne Nordberg - 09/24/98 19:03:50
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Estates/3754/
Hi we just moved in across the "street"... Just dropped in to say hello. regards, Bjarne Nordberg

Carrie Rivera - 06/10/98 14:31:51
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Estates/4500/
My Email:carrie.rivera@usa.net
Hi. I am surfing the neighborhood and dropped in for a visit. Please come visit us.

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