[Mr. & Mrs. S. W. Dawson]
November 28, 1940
Mr. and Mrs.
Johnny Phillips of this city entertained with a dinner last Sunday at their
home for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Dawson of Frisco, honoring their
fortieth wedding anniversary.
Children of Mr.
and Mrs. Dawson present for the occasion were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Dawson, and son William Henry of Ennis: Gladys Dawson of NTSTC in Denton;
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Dawson and Tommie and Truman Stanton; Miss Minnie Dawson;
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Phillips and sons, Billy and Kenneth of Frisco; Mrs.
Dawson's brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Otis Roberson and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs.
Dawson were married Nov. 11, 1900, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Shelly in Plano. They lived in Plano for eight years and then moved to
Frisco, where they have resided for thirty-two years.
Surname Index
Recommended Citation:
"S. W. Dawson Fortieth Wedding
EARLY SETTLERS OF COLLIN COUNTY." Collin County, Texas History
and Genealogy Webpage by Genealogy Friends of Plano Libraries, Inc., <http://www.geocities/genfriendsghl>
[Accessed Fri February 13, 2004 ].