Will of John Bollinge of Crundale 1605
In the name of God Amen The xviij th daye of August anno dni 1605 I John Bollinge of Crondall in the countie of kent yeoman being weake in bodie, but of good and perffect memorye thanked bee god, do ordaine & make this my prsent testament and last will in meaninge and forme followinge. ffirst I bequeath my soule unto almytie God, my maker and to Jesus Christ my redeemer by whose death and passion I assuredly .... to be saved & by none other meanes. And my bodye to the ..... to bee buried in the churchyard of Crondall aforesaid besides my Ancytores there at the discresion of myne executrix.
Item I give unto the poore people inhabiting within the parish of Crondall aforesaid two bushells of wheat & two bushells of maulte to be divided amongst them for refreshing within one monthe next after my decease at the discretion of myne executrix.
Item I give and bequeath unto Jane Bollinge my daughter the summe of twentie pounds of lawfull money of England to bee paide unto her by myne executrix at the age of twentie & two yeares or the daye of her marriage which shall first happen.
Item I gyve unto Thomas Bollinge my sonne the bed which I lye upon being a flocke bedd, two bolsters of flockes, one pillowe of fethers, two willowe beeres, two blanketts, one coverlett three payer of .... to bee indifferently sorted and delyvered by my executrix ymedyatlye after my decease.
Item I give unto Robert, my sonne, my wanscott presse standing in the chamber whiche I lye in, one shipchest in the next chamber one bedsted standing in my parlor one fetherbed ......lying on the same, two bolsters of fethers, two pillowes of fethers, iij payers of .oots, one table with a frame standing in the said parlor, six ioyned stooles, one cubberd standing in the said parlor and one ioyned chayer there. All whiche parcells I will shallbe delyvered unto him by myne executrix ymediatlie after my decease or to remayne as ymplemente at his choyce.
The residue of all my goods my debtes legacies and funeralls discharged I give and bequeath unto Jane my wellbeloved wyfe whom I make sole executrix of this my last will and testament and I ordayne Henry Chapman of Godmersham my overseer hopeing hee wilbee assistant unto my wife where he maye.
In witness wherof I have him unto subscribed my name and sette my seale the daye and yeare first above written. John Bollinge marke.
This is the Last will and testament of mee the saide John Bollinge made and declared the daye and yeare first above wrytten contening the dispensing of all my lands and tenements sett lying and being in Godmersham and Crondall aforesayde in the sayde county of Kent, cont. by estimation lx acres and also of one annuytye or rent charge of ten pounds a yeare yssueing and goeing out of all the landes tenements and heredytaments of John Eppes late of Olde Romney sytuate lying & beeing in the severall parishes of Old Romney, Hope all Saints all hope and New Romney or elsewhere within the countye of Kent which I late purchased and had to me and my heires of one Nicholas Homewood as by good assurance to mee thereof made more at large appeareth.
ffirst and principally I will that Jane my beloved wife shall have and take the yssues and proffitte of all my saide landes and tenements set lying and being in the parishes of Crundall & Godmersham aforesayde and also the yssues and proffitts of all my foresayde annuytie or rent charge for & during the space of fyve yeares next after my decease for and towarde the satissfyeing and discharging my debtes and legacies rentes and spices.. of the lord or lords of the see of whome theye are holden. Shee doeing now or suffering to bee done neyther thripp or wast on the premisses. And at the ende of the sayde fyve yeares by which tyme I doubte not but that my debtes and legacies wilbee fully satisfied and paide I will that my foresaide tenements and lands with all and singular theire appurteance sett lying and being in Crondall and Godmersham aforesayde shall remaine and bee unto Robert Bollinge my eldest sonne and to his heires forever paying yearly thence but unto my Jane my wellbeloved wife and his naturall mother during her naturall lyfe one annuytie or yearlye rent charge of eight pounds by year to bee payde att ....... feastes or .... in the yeare that is to say at the birthe of our lord God the annunciation of the blessed ladye Marye the virgin & John the Baptist and St Michaell the Archangell by even and equall portions yearlie to be paide during the naturall life of the sayde Jane my beloved wife the first payment thereof to beegyn at the first feast the feast .... shall first happen after the end and terme of the foresayde fyve yeares before mentioned for the payment discharge me of my debtes and legacies as aforesayde.
And yf ans as often as yt shall happen the saide annuytie or yearly rent of eight pound to bee beehind and unpayde in parte or in all by the space of twentie dayes next afterany of the forsayde feast dayes or dayes of payment in this mynepresent last will and testament mentioned ....... yt .... to bee paide, that then and from twentieforth and at tymes hereafter yt shall and may bee lawfull to and for the sayde Jane my wife her heires and assignes into all my foresayde landes and tenements and into everye parte and parcell thereof lying and beeing in Crondall and Godmersham above mentioned to enter & distraine and the distres or distresses there for founde taken and had lawfullye from theme to loade, dryve beare carrye awaye witholde and ympounde untill the sayde annuytye or yearly rent and the arrerages thereof with costs damyges by that occasion suffeyred bee unto the sayde Jane my wife her heires and assignes fully satisfied contented and payde & the sayde Robert also paying unto Isabell Boullinge, my daughter at her age of xxij yeares or at the daye of her marriage the which shall first happen the summe of twentye pounds of good and lawfull money of England provided also that yf my sayde sonne Robert doe not satisfy content and paye the foresayde summes unto Isabell my sayde daughter at the daye and tyme expressed that from my will and mynde is that the saide Isabell her heires executors and assignes shall enter and distrayne in any or all the foresaide landes tenements and heredutamente unto hym the foesayde Robert my sonne in this my present testament and last will gyven and bequeathed lyeing and beeing in the foresaide parishes of Crondall and Godmersham or any of them and the distresse or distresses there for taken and had lawfully from them to leade dryve beare carrye awaye witholde and impounde untill the foresayde somme of twentye pounds together withthe arrerages with costs and damages by that occasion had and susteyned bee unto the foresayde Isabell my daughter fully satisfied conteyned and payde.
And as ?touching the dispersing of my annuytie and rent charge which I have yssueing and goeing out of all the lands and tenements of John Epps as aforesayde I will that the saide annuytie or rent charge after the ende & terme of the fyve yeares mentioned in this my present testament and last will for the payeing and discharging of my debtes and legacies I will yt shallbe contyned remaine and bee unto Thomas Bollinge my seconde sonne and his heires forever any lawe? usage or costome to the contrarye.. the standing provided allwayes that yf Robert Bollinge my sonne fortune to dye and departe this mortall lyfe without heire or heires of his bodye lawfully begotten that then I will my foresaide landes and tenements to him in this my present testament and last will gyven and disposed I will they and everye of them shall remayne unto Thomas Bollinge my foresaide sonne and his heires forever.
Also I will unto Jane my beeloved wife dureing her naturall lyfe her dwelling in the parlour of the new dwelling house wherein I lyve and the use of the buttery over the seller there, dureing her naturall, with free ingresse, igresse and regresse for her, her heires and assignes at all tyme and tymes not only unto the saide parlor and butterie but also to the oven to bake in and into the kytchyn to brewe in dureing her naturall lyfe att all tyme and tymes whensoever and also to takeor water at the well of the saide house for her necessarye use in like manneor and also to have a moote? and conenient roome for the setting and bestowing of all such fewell and woodd as the saide Jane shall provide for her necesserye use to bee yearlye bestowed in some conveneint place in the dove house and with free ingress egresse and regresse for her, her heires and assignes to sett, sett and carrye awaye the same.
In witness of this my last will and testament revoking all others I have hereunto sett to my hande and seale the daye and yeare first above wrytten. John Bollinge marke Witnesses hereunto Henry Chapman William Byltinge
PRC39/28/101 2nd Oct 1605 Henry Chapman de Godmersham
PRC39/28/116 William Bilting of Godmersham
Both the above give long account that they were present when John Bolling made his will and that they agree that it is the true and original will.
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