Will of Richard Bolding of Crundale 1584 proved 1589
Indeinomine Amen the sixteenth daye of October in the five & tewentieth yeare of owr sovereigne ladye Elizabethe or and in the yeare of owr lorde god (1584?) one thousand five hundred seventy fower I Richarde Bolding of the parish of Crondall in the county of Kent yeoman being somewhat weake in bodie but thankes be to god of good and perfect memorie make & declare this my present will and last testament in manner & fowrme following. ffirst I bequeath my soule to almighty god and my bodie to bee buryed in the churchyarde of the parish of Crondall aforesaid.
Item, I give & bequeath unto Joan my wellbeloved wife the halfe of all my ynnestuffe excepte that which is in the parlour.
Item; I give unto her all my olde wheate & mawlte xij of my silver spoones and all powltrie halfe my hogges and all of the olde wood and fewell abowte my howse.
Item; I give unto Isabell Adowne my daughter sixe ewes and three payer of middle sheets and two silver spoones.
All the rest of gooddes and cattell not bequeathed I give unto John Bowlding my sonne whome I ordaine sole executor of this my present will.
As ....... the dispossion of my landes tenements and hereditaments ffirst my will and meaning is that Joan my wife shall have during her naturall life the chamber over the parlour and the buttery to her and her servantes? to use without? intermedling of one other but by her consent with free ingresse egress and regresse as often as to her shall seme good at all tymes and seasons.
Item; I will that shee shall have at all tymes requsite and convenient free libertie to rome and goe for her selfe and her servants in and to the kitchen bakhowse and well and the same to use for her baking dressing of meate washinge and such like.
Item; I will that she shall have covenient .... to put her wood in, in the back (shop or store) before? the doveport? afforsayd libertie for the bringing of yt thither and fetching of yt att all tymes all this aforesaid I will that she shall have during her naturall lyfe.
Item; I give unto her sixe pounds a yere during her naturall lyfe halfyearlie to be paide owt of all my landes and tenements unto her at the feast of thannunciatyown of the virgin and St Michael tharckangell by eacportyons that is to saye three powndes at everie payment giving her authoritie to distrayne? as often as yt shalbee behinde and ..ponde at anie of the saide feastes provided allwayes and my true meaning is that she shall have but sixe powndes yearlie with that five marks which is allowed & assured unto her.
Item; I give unto my sonne John all my lands tenements and hereditaments in Crondall and Godmersham or ells where to him and to his heires for ever.
By me Richard Bolding wytnes hereof Thomas Scott and others.
Probate granted July 1589
Archdeaconry Original Wills not registered
Richard Bollinge 1589 PRC16/92/1
This is a copy of the above and signed: by me Rychard Bollyng (actual signature)
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