Will of Thomas Bowlinge of Crundale 1622

In the name of God Amen this xxvith day of April in the year of our Lord Christ 1620 I Thomas Bowlinge of the parish of Crundale in the County of Kent, yeoman, being sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance, thanks be to God doe ordayne and make this my present testament conteyninge herein my last Will in maner and forme followinge. ffirst I Commit my soule into the handes of Almightie god trusting assuredly through his mercy and by the death and passion of our saviour Jesus Christ to be saved and by no other meanes And I will my bodye after my soule is departed to the earth to be decently buryed in the churchyard of Crundale aforesaid by my Executor.

Item I give & bequeath unto Josuah Bowlinge, my eldest sonne, xx li of good and lawfull money of England to be payd unto him by myne executor within one whole yeare after my decease.

[Thomas & Tomsyne Bolding son Josua 1590 Crundale]

Item I will unto George Bowling, my sonne, xx li to be paid to him in like maner within one yeare after my decease. Also I give unto the said George my sonne one smale messuage or house called the malthouse with a way thereunto out of the streat as the same is now appoynted him ymmediately after my decease The same to have hold and quietly enjoy with the forsayd way therunto during the terme of thirtie yeares yf he shall live so longe, And yf he shall be any way molested by myne Executor so that he doth not quietly enioy it by meanes of him then my will is that my sonne George shall have it for ever.

[Thomas & Tomsyne Bolding son George 1595 Crundale]

Also my will is that my sonne George shall have two apple trees and the yearly fruite of them duringe the terme of yeares or tyme of his life as is aforesaid yf the trees doe stande and growe so longe standinge now in the South Syde of the Orchard the one being a pippinge tree & the other being a marygold tree with free egresse & regresse to gather the fruite of them and of no other within the Orchard and to prune them as nead shall require

And further I will that my sonne George shall not lett sett or sell his terme of yeares of the aforesayd house or any part of them without the consent of my sonne Thomas Bowlinge in writinge first had and obtayned and when the said term of years shall be expired or yf it happen that my sonne George doe dye before the sayd yeares shalbe fully compleat and ended then I will the sayd house shall remayn unto my sonne Thomas Bowlinge and to his heirs for ever.

Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne William Bowlinge xx li of good and lawfull money of England to be payd unto him by myne Executor two yeares after my decease.

[Thomas & Tomsyne Bolding son William 1599 Crundale]

Item I give unto Robert Bowlinge my sonne xx li of good and lawfull English money to be payd unto him by myne Executor three yeares after my decease. All the residue of my goodes moveable or unmoveable and not by this my will given and bequeathed my deabts legacys and funerall discharged.

I give and bequeath unto my sonne Thomas Bowlinge whom I doe ordayne and make sole executor of this my will and last testament revoking all other heretofore made. And I desyre my neighboure Ralphe Ward to be my Overseer and an help and stay unto myne Executor and I doe give him for hys paynes vis viiid to be paid him by myne Executor.

[Thomas & Tomsyne Bolding son Thomas 1592 Crundale]

This is the last Will and Testament of mee Thomas Bowlinge of Crundale aforesayd the day and yeare above written as concerning my tenament and lands.

ffirst I give and bequeath unto my sonne, Thomas Bowlinge whome I make myne Executor all that my Messuage tenement and landes which I now dwell in except that before given to my sonne George

And I give unto the sayd Thomas my sonne and Executor all my lands in Crundale & Godmersham with all their appurtenances whatsoever to them belonginge or in right appurtayninge always excepting the before excepted

And also I give him all my lands else where within the Realme of England to have hold and inioy the foresayd messuage tenement and all my lands ymmediately after my decease to him the sayd Thomas my sonne and to his heirs for ever Provided allwayes and my very will is that yf the abovesayd summes of money or any of them before by this my last will given and bequeahed unto my sonnes above written be not payd then at the tymes before mentyoned when it shalbe due unto them that then and frome thenceforth it shall be lawfull for eyther of them to enter into the sayd messuage house tenement and lands there to stress or strayne take cary or drive away whatsoever goods or cattell they shall find unto (or upon) the said tenement and lande and the same to hold detayne and keape until such time as satisfaction shall be made by my sayd Executor to either of them as is aforesayd.

And in witness this to be my present last Will & Testament I the sayd Thomas Bowlinge have here unto set my hande and seale dated the day and yeare above written, beinge read pronounced, signed and sealed in the presence of Richard Ellis the writer, and Stephen Menvill his mark. The mark of Thomas Bowlinge.

1622 Aug 10 Will of Thomas Bowlinge, late of p. Crundale, proved by the oath of the executor (Will approved, etc...)

1622 Jul 30 - probate by the oaths of Richard Ellis and Stephen Menvill, witnesses to the Will..


Will of Thomas Bowlinge senior of Crundale...dispute between Thomas Bowlinge junior, natural and lawful son, the executor (in favour of probate being granted), and Josua Bowlinge, George Bowlinge, and William Bowlinge, natural and lawful sons of the deceased - and any other persons with an interest in the estate of the deceased (against probate being granted)....(Names given as Bowldinge further on)

1622 Mar 28 Appeared personally Robert Lawse(?), Notary Public, the procurator for Thomas Bowldinge alias Bowlinge junior, the executor named in the Will of Thomas Bowldinge alias Bowlinge senior, late of the p. of Crundale, deceased....who exhibited the original Will...(the decision was that it was genuine, and that the testator was of sound mind, etc, so that the probate of the Will, and the executor, were confirmed)..

1622 Jul 30 The sentence was read (etc) and probate of the Will was conformed...



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