These are the memories of Matilda Knoblock Berg.  It was a typed page and 
the spelling and structure are duplicated as much as possible.  Items in ()
are handwritten over the typing.

     Jacob Laudeman once worked as a printer befor taking up farming as 
a life work.  His first venture in courtship failed and thereupon an 
old lady Stine said to Jacob, I will give you my Betty in marriage and 
what she doesn't know  I will tell her.  Befor his marriage  Jacob 
bought a tract of land from the government which became his farm on 
which he raised his family.  For 8 or 10 years Betty was a cripple from 
a stroke of paralysis.  Jacob Laudeman was buried on the 4th of 
July about 1896(2).  Betty Laudeman was stricken with apoplexy and laid in 
the snow for some hours until one of her boys found her.  for a number 
of years befor her death she got about in a wheel chair.

     Great Grandfather Frederick Knoblock born in Schlessien, married 
Magdalene Fries later came to Alsace, locating near Strassburg.
     Grandfather Knoblock with grandmother , great Grandmother and two 
small children, Frederick and Caroline came to America in 1828 settling 
at Canton Ohio where Grandmother and great-grandmother died and grand-
father marred a widow Salome _________ who came from Alsace to America 
in 1827.  The first work Grandfather procured at Canton was sawing lumber 
by hand.  Came of Bremen Ind. on Sunday July 17, 1843 having left Canton 
O. June 21 1843.  1844 mail was carried from Plymouth to Goshen once 
a week.

     Great Grandfather Frederick Knoblock  born in Schlessien Prussia
married Magdalene Fries . Grandfather Frederick Knoblock born Jan 23, 1797 
in Hoenshein near Strasburg France, now Germany married Margaret Lentz  
Father Frederick Knoblock born near Strassburg April 18, 1825, Married 
Elizabeth laudeman march 13, 1849.  Mother Elizabeth Laudeman born June 
16, 1831.        Margeret Knoblock Born May 24, 1850 
                 Samuel Knoblock Born Dec. 23, 1851
                 Fred. Jacob "   Oct. 12, 1853
                 Eliza Anne  "   Jan 14, 1(8)59(8) died 8-27-59
                 Caroline     "  Nov. 23,59.         " 3-26-63
                 Stephen A.   "  Nov. 12 1862
                 Catherine Knoblock born 5-17-64  died 6-12-88
                 Isaac J.                4-6-66
                 Malinda                 12-12-68      2-25-69
                 Matilda E.              5-8-70  
                 Hiram                   2-28-73       4-5-73

Mother Elizabeth Died Jan 3, 1913.
Father died 5 O'clock p.m. Sunday Dec. 19, 1915.  Aged 90 yrs. 8 mo. 1day
Grandfather Frederick Knoblock came from Alsace to AMERICA 1828
left Canton O. June 21, 1843 arriving at Bremen Ind. Sunday July 17, 1843
Samuel Knoblock married Emma Beyler who was born Oct. 24, 1857.
Frederick Milton Knoblock born Nov. 7, 1879.
Orlando Lyman Knoblock born Nov. 20, 1893.
Fred Milton Married ANNA  Mattern Mar. 28(9), 1905.
Grandfather Frederick Knoblock was a weaver and lived about 3 miles
south west of Bremen, what is now or was  the old Renas place.  When 
Frederick retired fro his trade his lungs were somewhat weakened from the
constant dust attendant to his trade.  He upon his retirement he made his 
home with his son John C. Knoblock who ran a grocery business in So. Bend
Later on he stayed with William another of his sons.
Grandfather Frederick Knoblock, th weaver, was always of a cheerful dispo-
sition but had often entertained aetheistic tendencies and beliefs, his
son Will who attained the age of over 90 years always was a strong believer in
spiritua lism.
For several years Samuel Laudeman and George Helminger ran a
grocery b usness on the site where the Union State Bank now stands. Later on Wm.
the son of George ran a news stand here. Of course the Union State Bank is 
now the Bremen State  since about June1,1935. 

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