Note-Worthy News

Let's Recycle!!!!Start saving those aluminum cans and we'll start saving money that we earn for a special troop activity. Just bring your rinsed out cans in a bag to our troop meetings and we'll recycle them at the Pepsi Recycling Center. We will earn extra for our cans, because we're Girl Scouts and at the same time we will be helping keep our planet clean and cut back on waste.

What is Thinking Day?: Thinking Day is February 22 and is the day that all Girl Scouts and Girl Guides celebrate the joint birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell.  On this day Girl Scouts and Girl Guides think of their sisters worldwide.  We also celebrate this day by having an event in which troops have a booth about a country that the troop has chosen.  Our country is Japan, so we need to get all of the information about Japan that we can.  Everything from weather, population, cities, to what kind of food that they eat. Your daughter will need your help in finding this information.  Look at the library, on the internet, etc.  All information needs to be current. We will be choosing a craft or food item to hand out at our booth.  Any help from parents would be greatly appreciated. Bring information to troop meetings.  We will have more information about this event at a later date.

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