Please complete the form if you are seriously interested in a puppy. Be sure to hit the "Submit" button at the end of the page.





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  Reasons for You Wanting A Puppy ?

Please tell me why you are interested in a puppy - for companion, show, performance, hunting,breeding? Please elaborate.:

How did you first find out about Pointers/Ridgebacks? Please state whether you are interested in a Pointer or a Ridgeback.:

Tell me about you or your family - Are you single? A student? Married? Any children? What are their ages? :

Have you owned other dogs? What happened to them?:

Is your yard fenced? How high is the fence? What's it made of?:

What makes you a good dog owner/pet owner?:

Where will the puppy sleep? Does everyone work? Who will care for the puppy during the day?:

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