David's to Find Toolbox
These manuals were complied with the help of professional searchers and though the specifics may not apply to your State or Country. The ideas, techniques and methods are universal.
Monster People Search Database
Once you have part of a name, you have 20+- year old information and, now, your quest is to find the person. Thanks to advances in technology, large people databases have become available on the internet. I have endeavored to assemble and cross-reference a number of databases.
There are some rules:
- Rule #1: Don't tell anybody about this.
- Rule #2: Do not tell anybody about this.
- If you agree to the rules, click here.
How To Manuals
- History: Sealed Records & Confidentiality
- David's Texas manual.
- Julie's Michigan manual.
- California is easy - many of the adoption papers mention both names.
- Question: When I write for a copy of the adoption decree, what do I need to include?
- Answer: The place in California is called the Superior Court and it is probably at the Hall of Records. You can call for instructions and ask about the cost which is usually one dollar or less per page. (Maybe five pages) They will not send them unless you request in writing and have the request notarized. Say you are not asking for your sealed records but a copy of your Final Adoption Decree which your parents have lost. Give your father's name, your mother's maiden name, your birthdate, and I would include a xerox copy of your birth certificate. Have it notarized and just send and if there is a charge they will let you know. .......Kathy
- Sarah's Canada manual.
- Kay's Tennessee manual.