He came into town one cold winter night, a drifter some might call him. He walked into town with a certain "air" about him, people would turn and stare....some even ran away! What was it about this stranger that made the men grab their wives and children and make them go into their homes and pull down the blinds?
He wandered around the town for a few days, as if searchin' for a lost love. If only someone would take the time to get to know him, he thought, they would see just what a "scent-imental" guy he could be. He had lost his one true love, Penelope, a few years back and was longing for the comfort and warmth of a new home.
He wandered aimlessly for days, trying to make friends in this sleepy little country town, while tryin' to find the perfect place he could call home.He searched high and mainly low, he "dis-Stinktably" knew that this was the right town for him...but where?
That's when he caught site of a great big ol' house that was in dire need of repair, it looked like just the sort of place he could get his "paws" into. He liked a challenge and this just might be it!
He made his way up to the house and that's when he first came into contact with.....ta ....dah........"Skunk Girl!!! What a vision of loveliness she was! Memories of Penelope came flooding back to him....ahhhhh the love.....the "scent-iments" just came pouring out of his heart. This new woman he was seein'...he could just tell that she was a very loving person, as he stood there and watched her from a far. She was standin' on the porch talkin' to her little dogs, telling them to come in the house that she had more packing to do. "Yes", he thought, "this means the house will be vacant soon." Little did he know that he was falling madly in love with the woman on the porch. Was it the dirty ol' sweat pants she had on, or those very smelly sneakers that attracted him to her?
He decided to take up residence under the house, until they would move and he could take over. Day by day went by and he listened to her singin' around the house and talkin' that sweet baby talk she used..........ahhhhhh but how could he get her to notice him???
He cleaned all up and used the strongest "scent" he could find, thinkin' this would attract her to him. He made sure almost every night to place that smell throughout her house, hoping to entice her to let him into her heart and home. Maybe he's usin' the wrong "scent" he thought, or maybe it's not strong enough...so he "sprayed" more!!! He dreamed of holdin' her in his arms and whisperin' "stinky" nuthin's in her ear! Alas, nuthin' seemed to work! It must be because of that "Dan" guy that hangs around there alot!
Pepe thought maybe he could make her jealous if he started seein' other women, it would be hard on him to play with the heartstrings of innocent victims.....but he must...to win the heart of "Skunk Girl"! No price was too high!
He started chasin' the wild women in town, you know, the easy girls! The "odor" of thier cheap perfume ought to get her attention!!!
He brought them home one after the other, knowing that she could hear the lovemaking and "dis-Stink" "smell" of passion going on under her feet!!! The hissing and growling that they did was enough to drive any woman mad!!! If only this will work!!!
He knew he was startin' to make some progress when she started tryin' to catch his newly found women friends! "Skunk Girl" placed traps outside of the house and lured these easy girls in by baitin' the traps!!! She would catch them and call a man in a big truck in to haul them away...never to be heard of again!!! Ahhhh....True love would win out!!!
One morning right after she had trapped one of his innocent victims, the "smell" of lust still in the air, he saw "Skunk Girl" watchin' out the window. He strutted around the yard with his tail lifted high, with that certain "air" he had! He put on such a display of affection for the poor trapped victim, knowing this would drive "Skunk Girl" out of her mind! He tried diggin' her out of her cage to show how he could protect one that he loves!
He knew he was makin' progress, when she started leavin' him those little love presents. She scattered moth balls around the entrances to the house and even tossed a few under the house for him!!! She left him a pan of ammonnia and some ammonnia covered cloths, also! He didn't really like these things, but he could put up with them. They must have been some sort of love ritual that he didn't understand! Before long now, he could "dis-Stinktably" tell, "Skunk Girl" would be his! Ahhhh....the "smell" of sweet love was in the "air"!!!
That's when "Dan" stepped into the picture again! He got his gun and flashlight and came out huntin' PePe....nobody else was gonna take Dan's woman!!! PePe knew that it was time to make a decision, he could either stay and fight to the death or move on with his life and try to forget "Skunk Girl"! After all the "fumin'" and worryin' he decided to give up this new love he had found and move on....followin' the age old tradition that Dan was there first...much bigger....and had a gun!!! Although he will always hold a special place in his heart for "Skunk Girl", he will have to move on! He knows that he left his "mark" on her, also! Someday when she's cleanin' her house, she will still catch a small "whiff" of his lingerin' "odor" he left behind....and she will think of him!!!

Folks, the sad part of this story is that most of it is true!!! *LOL* Our home has been invaded by skunks for the last month and a half or so!!! It has been a nightmare! We're fixin' to put this house up for sale in the next month or so and I don't know if I'll ever get rid of the smell!!!
I've had traps set and I've used the ammonnia and moth ball tricks...we block up holes and this big male skunk digs them back out!!!
One Saturday I caught 1 skunk, 3 cats, and a oppossum!!! I can't wait to move to the ranch so we can get rid of these animals! *LOL* Now, does that make sence???? *Smile*
My..."Friends"....on the chat line have started callin' me "Skunk Girl" and "SkunkaLoonie" so this page was created for them!!! *Smile*

Page updated 2/27/98!!! PePe LePew was captured last night by Big Ol' Dan!!! We have yet to know what Dan did with poor PePe....we have heard tell that he took him to Net Central's 40UP Chat Group for their mascot!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!

My New Skunk Girl Tag was made by a new friend of mine named Gwen or Mustang Mom...she's a fiesty and rowdy little thing I met through her signin' my guest book! Drop by and check out her homepage!!!

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