The miles between don't mean so much!
Each day, I sense your friendly touch!
Your lovely picture here, in front of me,
Makes it increasingly easy, for me to see,
And feel your presence, during each day!
I hear your voice....all the words you say,
Tucked carefully, in each line you write!
Yes! You are there! Not out of sight!
I know you quite well, from all you tell!
You aren't a difficult puzzle....but, a part,
And I hold all of it, inside my heart!
I won't control or demand! I will just let you,
Do all of the things, that you're meant to do!
You sometimes tell me of the past and now,
Your hopes, dreams, disappointments and how,
You feel so deeply, about our world events,
Politics, environment, sports and high rents!
I continue to learn much, from what you say,
Your sense of humor, really makes my day!
I do not think, that I would know more,
Even if you lived right next door!
I'm never lonely, with friends like you!
I hope I help to make your day, too!

Pauline Banning


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