The Canadian Flag

A French M.P. rose up in Parliament today,
Once more, wanting to promote the French Way!
Constantly complaining, like a spoiled child,
Causing the Assembly, to become quite wild!
"There were too many Canadian flags", she said,
"At the Olympics!".....her face showed such dread!
We, from Quebec, need French flags, so.......
All of our Quebec athletes, then could go,
And represent the they do in France!
Canadian funds?? French flags??? Not a chance!!!
So, some of the true, Canadian Politicians began,
To sing, O'Canada....yes, every loyal, Canadian man!
One angry, Quebec M.P. darted out of the place,
With many, angry words and a frown on his face!
'Tis true, that some Olympians have French names,
For the French are good, at all kinds of games!
But, some of them have such evil on their minds,
Causing disention and discontent you'll find!
Buchard doesn't care, about you or your town,
He wants to wear, a Princely robe and crown!
And be important, in a smaller situation,
Thinks this plan, could lead to "graduation"!
Buchard's remarks, about those who aren't French,
Causes the whole room, to have a peculiar stench!
We are proud of all our Canadians, you see,
We are all ONE..............from sea!
And they are still you!
Still attached to Canada....separation is not true!
 Politicians, from Quebec, are constantly dreaming,
"Vive la separation!" the Bloc is still screaming!
Screaming for years, is what they all love to do!
For they want to have their cake and eat it, too!
They want our help, land, money and passport,
Just in case, they find they are financially short!
They want to fly the French flag...the Fleur-de-lis,
They always want everything....except you and me!
Being French and thinking there's only ONE race,
To all others, is such a slap, in their ethnic face!
"French women should get busy", Buchard will say,
"Have more French babies and you'll get more pay!"
This world wastes time, on selfish, controlling fools,
Those who are out of step, with decent, honest rules!
French is supreme and think, that other races are not!
They want their dream....and everything you've got!
What will God say, when the French get to Heaven?
Will He label us "8" and give the French "11"?
What race are you? I don't think He will care!
It won't be, "Are you French?" but, "Are you fair?"
All across our land, hardships and unemployment,
Not just in Quebec.....MANY can't pay their rent!
They are so blind and aren't willing to try,
Devoid of co-operation, they just complain and cry!
To other real, caring Canadians, it matters not,
If you are French, Irish, Polish, English or Scot!
Italian, German, Spanish....we like you a lot!
You can be, from any country...honest and true,
We're all Canadians and are so very proud of you,
Quebec must stop whining and thinking, they are "best",
Then they'll be able, to pass the true, Canadian test!
They will even think, that natives......who....
Were here when they arrived, on that happy day,
Are also Canadians and they must have their say,
They aren't better than you! Aren't better than me!
All are very equal! All Canadian....and free!
One race can't think, they deserve "special" status,
Constantly screaming and making such a fuss!
If you gave them the moon, they'd want the sun,
Living right next door to them, isn't much fun!
Like spoiled children, they want to have their way,
And don't care, if others can't ever have their say!!
God help them....if they ever separate!
Indian-owned lands, they'll not ever take!!
 Natives are fed up, with the white man's schemes,
Pushing them aside, while the French steal their dreams!
"Hurray!" for the Indian, I will honor his claim,
His forefathers, had their own rights, just the same!
The French want THEIR rights honored and to go,
Do they honor other's rights....NO!....Not so!
If they wish to leave and love France and not us,
Give them a ticket, for the plane and the bus!
Let them return, to the land of their choice,
We'll be so happy, to silence their loud,
Selfish Separatist Voice!!

Pauline Banning

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