Some children.....Not ALL!

Kids gone bad!!....involved in crimes!
It is happening now, too many times!!
Demanding! Controlling! More and more!
Some shooting bullets, at your front door!
Babies aren't born, with guns in their hands!
Out of control and making impossible demands!
The Police are busy, picking up all of the pieces,
The bodies, of your brothers, sisters and nieces!
Delinquents have no fear, of jail or our laws!
They only obey their own harmful, evil cause!
They have never heard, the little word "NO"!
It still means "YES" to them now....and so....
They take what they want, without any concern,
Manners and unselfishness, they will never learn!
Young troublemakers, with unlimited funds and time!
They will steal your life and your very last dime!
Wake up, WORLD!! Don't just sit and complain!
These modern-day children, aren't easy to tame!
Government and parents have allowed this today,
They shiver and shake.....and have nothing to say!
Kids are in control and right now they roam,
But, very soon, they'll put YOU out of your home!
They have no feelings, for those who gave it all,
Too's like banging your head against the wall!
Boot Camp is the only answer for ignorance and crime,
They'll be on the defensive, instead of having a good time!
These little "snarlings" need to lose the word ME,
Learn how to respect others and then there will be,
A better world, for all people, who desire what is good,
People who behave, in the way that they should!
But, this cannot be...we're busy paying for Crime,
I am so grateful, that these delinquents aren't mine!!

Pauline Banning   W4-1209-98-D11

It is so distressing, to listen to the Daily News and hear so much, about
the crimes in our society...especially, from very young children. The more
that is taught on T.V. and in books, about violence and permissiveness, the
greater the increase in out-of-control behaviour. Once in awhile, I take
the time to listen, to the disrespect for parents and authority, in
children's T.V. etc. The words to some of the songs, are wild and
threatening.....and the theatrics indicates, that all adults are stupid and
the world belongs to the young. I think these misfits can have something to
say, when they are ready to contribute, instead of being a handicap and
expense, to hard-working taxpayers. For a time, we went through a period,
where so-called "enlightened" moderns stated, "Do your own thing, as long
as it doesn't hurt someone else." Now, the motto must be, "Do your own
thing, no matter how ugly or immoral and do not worry, about who gets hurt,
or what the consequences are." Actually, the only consequences they
experience, are those dished out by LIFE, for parents and authorities are
bending over backwards to appease, with inadequate results. The children
are smart enough to know, that adults are "afraid of them"......Wake up
world!! It isn't over yet!! It is time to stop accepting the unacceptable.

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