Engine of Inflation
The Federal Reserve, they say....
Has the power to create money,
In a very strange way!
Just give a command....and just in a day,
Bonds will be issued...you've nothing to say!
National debt...not backed by gold,
Not the same, as in the days of old!
Each newborn child already owes,
Twelve hundred dollars, but he never knows,
He's not born with nothing,
He's now born with a debt!
Everyone in the nation!
This is all that you'll get!!
Ask the Federal Hierarchy,
"Where did you find...$$$$$$$$
All of these billions, that boggle the mind?
Just pieces of paper....of no real worth,
No goods or services, on the face of the earth!
False Prophets creating "false profits" for some,
They think the average citizen is really quite dumb!!
An Engine of Inflation...destroying the dollar,
Creates "Booms and Busts"....
Makes many people holler!!
Money and Power go hand in hand,
So corruptive, in the hands of man!
Can I do the same?
Make my own dollars, too?
I'd go to jail.....if this were true!!
We are just slaves....working and paying,
We must abide, by what leaders are saying,
False prophets are robbers,
They pick pockets with ease!
Whenever they need more,
They just raise their fees!
False Prophets! False Profits!
And Slavery are here!!
We must work and pay....year after year!
It is not a surprise, that here on our earth,
The Almighty dollar has no real worth$$.
Pauline Banning