When I observe closely and analyze,
I notice, that animals have "bedroom eyes"!
Beautiful pools, of sparkling light!
That stare intensely and glow at night!
With a neat,dark edge, like a picture frame,
Enticing, bewitching....we wish to tame!
If human eyes were exactly like this,
You'd be a beauty, my little Miss!
Eyes are gateways, to the soul, I'm sure!
I guess animal "souls" are extra pure!
Not like humans, with blank expressions,
Devoid of sincerity or any curious questions!
Not cold and cruel, but intense and caring!
Their ways aren't evil and parents are sharing!
Animals only take, what they truly need!
Cruel at times...due to necessity ....not greed!
They don't store on shelves, or in big banks!
For this I must give much daily thanks!
If starving, they will lash out and destroy!
We do the same, with our tricks to employ!
With daily vittles and a warm nest,
You'll find them placid...and at their best!
Healthy and free from any evil quest!
Pauline Banning