Turn out the lights! Grab your red hat!
Lock your front door! Get on the fast track!
Tell all of your friends, that you won't be back!
Take your suitcase and seek out new sights!
It's your turn! So, promote your own rights!
Don't be a slave, to all of the old, rigid rules!
Most of those, were made just for fools!
Time's going fast! Hurry! You must make haste!
You need a new menu, with good things to taste!
Who cares what they say, after you have gone!
You'll be far away, to greet the new "dawn"!
Faraway fields look so fresh and green!
The prettiest sights, that you've ever seen!
But, when you get there...OH! What a pity!
You'll wish you were back, in the bustling city!
But, even never will find........
The natural things, that create a peaceful, mind!
For the only place, where you really need to go,
Is you still don't know,
That you will find it, when you stop for awhile,
And when you will make you smile!
You see, it was really there all of the time!
Deep inside of YOU, but you couldn't find,
Because, too many things were on your mind!
Unpack your bags!! Take off your dusty shoes!!
You already possess, all that you need to use!
It's on your own doorstep and HAPPINESS can.....
Be found, by every child, woman and man!!
Pauline Banning
Instead of chasing rainbows, we need to put our energy, into creating
lovely life, right where we are. It is not the environment, or the
people, but US....and when we look deep inside, to discover who we
are, we chase away the ugliness, that exists in all of us and find
beautiful, sensitive things, that turn disatisfaction into exquisite
butterflies.....bringing joy and peace, to everything we do.