This magnificent creature races across the sand!
Endorsed for centuries, by many tribes of man!
He has been almost everything, to those he served, I think,
Providing home, clothes, transportation, meat and drink!
Camels have been around, with their unique, shapely designs,
For papyrus mentions, that they go back to prehistoric times!
The deserts of Africa, Asia and Arabia relied on these creatures,
For they are LAND SHIPS, with many desirable features!
"Camel Power" aided migration and wars, on the dry land,
Striding through the Bible Stories....only owned by a rich man!
Job had three thousand camels.....which seems so amazing!
Imagine having all of these hungry animals grazing!
Long lines, of caravans, with merchandise for sale!
Monotonous journeys...miles of sand.... must not fail!
Their strong, masters' voices, in song, made them heed,
Lengthening their strides and picking up speed!
The faster the master's song, the faster the pace!
I guess you could call it, "A Desert Camel Race"!
Poetry and songs flourished, under the clear, desert sky!
Soft sand made no difference and they never went dry!
Just filled their interior "tanks", at an oasis, with you,
And onward they would go....with one hump or two!
Pauline Banning P-1404-98-D18
The Arabian camel has one hump and long legs. Its coat is sandy, in
The Bactrian camel, of Asia, has two humps, short, sturdy legs and
a thick
coat of dark-colored or fawn hair.
I have seen camels, at the Zoo and in Israel, when I visited there,
so many
years ago. They are rather ornery, nasty creatures, who bite and spit.
have yellow teeth and bad breath. However, camels and I had a lot to
with each other, for many months, when I did dozens, of ceramic camels,
Bell Canada International, to use as "gifts" for some of their retiring
employees. I vowed, after doing so many, that I never wanted to see
camel again!
I still have a fondness for them and a collection, that I made
in my
and on my tombstone it will probably say, "Here lies the Camel Lady
Canada". I have been blessed, beyond my wildest dreams! What more do