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A Little About Korea

Korean FlagThe Korean flag is called t'aegukki. Its design symbolizes the principles of the yin and yang in Oriental philosophy. The circle in the center is divided into two equal parts. The upper red section represents the positive cosmic forces of the yang. Conversely, the lower blue section represents the negative cosmic forces of the yin. The two forces together embody the concepts of continual movement and balance and harmony that characterize the sphere of infinity. The circle is surrounded by four trigrams, one in each corner. Each trigram symbolizes one of the four universal elements: heaven, earth, fire and water.

Mugungwha, Korea's National FlowerThe national flower of Korea is the mugunghwa or Rose of Sharon. Every year from July or October, a profusion of mugunghwa blossoms grace the entire country. Unlike most flowers, mugungwha is remarkably tenacious and is able to withstand both blight and insects. The flower's symbolic significance stems from mugungwha's root, "mugung," meaning immortality. This word accurately reflects the immortal nature of Korean history, and the determination and perseverance of the Korean people.

Korean manLocal time
GMT +09
Hangul (Korean)
110/220V AC 60Hz
International Dialing Code
Earthenware pots in a courtyard at Tosan TempleClimate
January: -12 degrees Celsius to 8 degrees Celsius. Winters are cold with occasional rain or snow. Autumn from September-November is warm and clear, the most pleasant time of the year.
July: 17 degree Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius. Summers are hot and humid, with half the Korean Fan Danceannual rainfall occurring during the monsoon period between late Jun-Jul. Spring is warm and runs from March-May.
Lightweights with rainwear in summer and light or medium weights in spring and autumn. Heavy, warm clothing for winter, particularly in view of the high wind-chill factor at this time of the year.
Driving License
International Driving Permit required
Won (KRW) The won rate changes daily. For the current won rate.
KRW: 1000, 5000, 10000
KRW 1, 5, 10, 100, 500
Credit Cards
Credit cards and travelers checks are widely accepted.

Here are some tips that might help you enjoy your stay in Korea:

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