



Politically Correct Death establishes the real issue: the personhood of the unborn.

Blaise Pascal once said that "unless we love the truth, we cannot know it." That holds true in the abortion controversy as well. Due to the overwhelming amount of rhetoric on the part of the "pro-choice" movement, most Americans are confused about the issue of abortion. We have been manipulated into believing that abortion is an issue of choice.

As Dr. Frank Beckwith points out, however, the issue of abortion revolves around only one crucial question: the personhood of the unborn -- from conception. He runs through the gamut of (emotionally charged) arguments with cool clarity, demonstrating the flaws in reasoning that lurk behind the pro-choice arguments. Many of the most popular pro-choice arguments simply assume that the unborn are not human, but first fail to prove it.

Both pro-lifers and pro-choicers should read this work for a more serious debate on this issue.
The foundational issue -- and one which our country has repeatedly failed in -- is what defines personhood. Will we define it to exclude those who get in our way (as we did in slavery, the execution of American Indians), or will we finally realize that it is "who we are, not what we do" that makes us valuable? We must choose the latter to avoid the atrocities that human nature is capable of.

For the pro-life supporter, this is THE BOOK you must get. Use it to inform and equip yourself, then go out into the public square and defend the personhood of the unborn.

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