Stay with me, my Baby

Main:     Stay with me, my Baby
             Just for a little while longer
             Please just one more day
             My love for you is getting stronger

Chorus:       Stay with me, my Baby
                   Keep our love together
                   A little while longer
                   It could be forever

Main:     My love for you, Baby
             Is still getting so much stronger
             You are the Best Thing, Baby
             May our Love last even longer

Chorus:       Same  as above

Main:     Stay with me, my Baby
             Without you, I would go crazy
             You are the love of my Life
             I am so thrilled to be your wife.

Chorus:       Same as above 

Main:     You are the one, Baby
             Stay with me for awhile
             Being with you is so much fun
             Stay until our lives are done.

Chorus:       Same as above

Main:     You're the one, my Baby
             Please stay with me for awhile
             You were sent from God above
             May we be forever, my Dove

Chorus:       Same as above

                     Let us live forever
                     Together, the both of us!


Chorus:       Same as above

Repeat Chorus: Same as above

                                           MUSIC to fade out!

Patty Hunter

Copyrighted Feb.11/2003. Must get permission to use this song from Patty Hunter..