Who said school had to be dull? Look up information, get a little help, or play a few games. This is the place to explore and have fun.Use your brain... don't pickle it.. only dummies waste it.
Knowledge Adventure a great encyclopedia, classic games and coloring fun. It's all right here.
Exploratorium..The museum of Science, Art, and Human perception.
Online School Yard
Sea World\ Busch Gardens
Earth and Sky All about Earth science and AstronomyMath Stories Over 5,000 math word problems to improve your math problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
Midlink Magazine a kid's made kid magazine for the middle school ages.
We told you homework could be fun! Please tell us if you know of any other useful or fun sites that we can add. We look forward to hearing from you.Thanks to all who have mailed us!
email me at batkinson@yahoo.com