Now let's be clear here....Nobody has actually shown ME the birth certificate to prove that any of these characters are who they say they are. But for the time being, here is a sampling of what I may have to put up with. Makes you think of the saying "You can pick your friends but you can't pick your relatives!"
This is my supposed Mommy. All I know is that she does an amazing job producing food when I'm hungry. I don't see much resemblance in features yet, but I hope I can look as good as she does someday!
Here is the guy that claims fatherhood rights. He seems to be around a lot -- in the middle of the night, he burps me and changes my diaper. So, there may be some merit in his claim. People keep saying that I look like him. If that's true, I hope I can grow out of it fast!
There is no question that this is my Grandma Jen. She held me and rocked me a lot when I first came home. I have not seen her in a while though and miss her.
I also tend to believe this woman's claim that she's my Grandma Ryan. I base this on her insistence of holding me every single second when she comes to visit. Also, she can go through a roll of film in less than 5 minutes! I know I'm adorable, but give me a brief break every now and then!
This is my Grandpa Ryan. Everyone tells me I get my eating habits from him. He thinks I'm the greatest baby in the world because I hardly ever cry.