Doris's Quips and Quotes
If there is a smile in your heart, Your eyes will show it.
Speak kind words and you will hear kind echoes.
A smile is a window in the happy heart to show your heart is at home.
In America a house wife hires a woman to do her cleaning so she will have time to do volunteer work in a Day Nursery where the cleaning woman leaves her children.
Pharmacist to the older patron: Take one of these pills every 4 hours, or as often as you can get the cap off.
Love's first cousin is Trust
A five year old boy sat and listened attentively to his Sunday School teacher. When she asked what Jesus said to his disciples at the Last Supper, the youngster answered, "Get on this side of the table if you want your picture taken!"
Only one life 'twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last.
Life for most of us is a continuous process of getting used to things we hadn't expected.
No one can be caught in places he does not visit.
The quickest way for a mother to get her children’s attention is to sit down and look comfortable.
Let us aspire to so live our lives that when we die even the undertaker will be sorry.
God’s Word is food for our spirit. Being spiritually skinny isn’t attractive to God.
Freedom is the respect God has for us.
The future of a Church is not its young people, but its present adult generation.
Experience Needed! The new pastor was very young, and he came to his first church filled with enthusiasm. His first few weeks the sanctuary was filled, but after a few weeks one prominent member suddenly stopped attending worship. The young minister visited the home to see if there was something he out to know. "To tell you the truth, son" said the old man, "You aren’t old enough to have sinned enough to have repented enough to be able to preach about it."
Lives rooted in God are never uprooted.
Enthusiasm is contagious--and so is the lack of it.
A friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg even though you're slightly cracked.
God in His wisdom and His love very often sends His angels down to walk with us. We know them as "Friends".
George Moore