"Encouragement - The Call of Every Christian"
Barnabas is one of my favorite New Testament heroes. Barnabas means "Son of Consolation" or "Encouragement". What a way to be known - as THE ENCOURAGER!
Let's look briefly at who Barnabas was in the Bible.
He was born (birth name Joseph) of Jewish parents of the tribe of Levi. He was a native of Cyprus. He was given the name of Barnabas by the apostles. Likely because he was an encourager and in Bible times the meaning of names was important. - Acts 4:36,37. Barnabas was also known as a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and brought a great number of people to the Lord. - Acts 11:24
Saul (Paul) was a recent convert to Christ and had left Damascus for Jerusalem. Saul (Paul) tried to join the disciples but they were afraid of him. Barnabas took Paul and brought him to the apostles and convinced them of his true conversion. God placed Barnabas in a place to befriend Paul and help the apostles accept Paul as a brother instead of an enemy. The church leaders trusted Barnabas. - Acts 9:27
Barnabas and Paul spent a year together in the church in Antioch and taught great numbers of people. - Acts 11:26
It appears that initially Barnabas was the leader of Paul and himself; but in time, it appears that Paul took on the stronger leadership position. Eventually, Paul and Barnabas ended up going their separate ways but I'm sure Paul was grateful of Barnabas' help and encouragement in the early part of his ministry.
We are all called to be encouragers (i.e., a Barnabas) in the Body of Christ.
1. Encourage people to NOT QUIT.
Discouragement is so easy to fall into. I have heard it said that discouragement is the devil's number one tool. I don't know if it's his number one tool, but it makes the top ten list for sure. (Galations 6:9)
2. Encourage people to FULFILL THEIR CALL FROM GOD.
We all have a call from God, whether in ministry, secular profession, home life, etc. (Matt. 20:26-28)
3. Encourage people to STUDY THE BIBLE.
Approved of God rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
(II Tim 2:15)
4. Encourage people to EVANGELIZE.
We all need to reach out to the lost in one way or another. Some quietly, others quite boldly. (Matthew 9:37,38 and Mark 16:15)
5. Encourage people to PRAY.
There is such power in prayer that we need to be in prayer. (Luke 18:1, I Thess. 5:17)
6. Encourage people to HOLINESS.
Yes, when you tell someone to stop sinning and live holy and pure before God, those are truly words of encouragement.
(I Thess. 4:7, I Peter 1:16)
7. Encourage people to FELLOWSHIP with other believers. (Heb. 10:25)
The list is endless on ways in which we can encourage one another in the Body of Christ. We are all called and needed to be encouragers.
Are you an encourager?
Let me encourage you to be an encourager :)