“The Calibrated Christian”

The reason I talk about the calibrated Christian is because, just like in the world, we may have special tools that we may need to have calibrated.

Calibration means to standardize (as a measuring instrument) and ascertain the proper correction factors; to adjust precisely for a particular function.  Sometimes, over time, standards or measuring instruments get knocked out of calibration or accuracy (off standard). If we don't get them recalibrated, then we are going to be missing the mark on whatever we are doing.

It is the same thing in our Christian life. If we have been calibrated wrong as far as our belief system, then we are going to be judging everything wrong because of our erroneous belief system, which in essence is out of calibration.

This can happen in two extremes. It can happen from being in such an overly strict traditional environment that we leave no room for the Holy Spirit to move in our lives because this is the way I have been taught, this is the way it is. Thus, we totally eliminate the need for the Holy Spirit or for trusting or believing in God because we have “OUR set of rules”, “OUR guidelines”; but these may not necessarily be in line with the Word of God. This means that we need to be recalibrated to keep us accurate in knowing how to discern things based on the
Word of God and the Spirit of God, WHICH WILL ALWAYS AGREE.

On the other side, are those who are so “free in the spirit”, so to speak, that they allow many things that would be error. They will tell you that you cannot question it or you will “grieve the Spirit.”  They are on the other extreme, they are also uncalibrated Christians. They need to be recalibrated to the Word of God and then also to the accurate picture of the Holy Spirit and the workings of the Spirit.

If you are in either of these extremes, then you are an uncalibrated Christian who needs to go back to the
PURE Word of God and get recalibrated.

Search your heart, seek God's Word, let God's Word calibrate what you believe and don't believe, and the Holy Spirit will
ALWAYS bear witness to the Word of God. The Word of God must be first and foremost our guideline, and the Holy Spirit will ALWAYS be in the line with God’s Word. If anything is not in line with the Word of God, even if you think it is the Holy Spirit, you must put God's Word first.

The 3 W’s to test if you are a calibrated Christian are:
1) WORD OF GOD – Is it in line with the Word of God? (Acts 17:11, II Timothy 3:16)
2) WORKINGS OF GOD (fruit) – Does it bear godly fruit such as a deeper love for the Bible, a deeper love for Jesus, daily prayer, burden for the lost, desire for fellowship with other believers? (Galatians 5:22-23, John 15:5, Matthew 7:17-20)
3) WORKINGS OF THE SPIRIT (what type of spirit?) – Based on the Word of God is this the Spirit of God or another (erroneous)spirit? (I John 4:1-3)

I hope this will help you (no matter what denominational background you are from) to be calibrated Christians, accurate to the Word of God, the move of God, and the Spirit of God.

In His Service,
Jim (BibleFood@aol.com)