"Don't Let the Devil Beat You Up"
Today's devotion, "Don't Let the Devil Beat You Up," is based on my seeing Christians allowing the devil to beat them up.
I have been saved for over 27 years. On and off during those 27 years I have allowed the devil to beat me up.
How does he do this to Christians?
1. You sin and allow the devil to make you FEEL
or THINK you are not a Christian through
condemnation. Examples of what he'll say to
your mind or through others are:
A. "If you were a Christian you wouldn't keep
B. "Your sinning shows you are a hypocrite".
C. "You must NOT love the LORD or you wouldn't
have sinned."
D. "Let's face it, this Christianity thing is
just not working for you, give it up"
E. "What a Christian! Letting those around you go
into eternity lost - you don't care!”
F. "You have committed the unpardonable sin".
A. The Bible says we will sin. I John 1:8-10.
B. A hypocrite in the Greek means "an actor on
the stage of life". If you’re honest, most
of you don’t fit that definition of a
hypocrite. But, if you are, repent of it.
C. Christians who love the LORD sin too.
Perfection over sin is a growing
process that will last a lifetime.
D. Satan’s goal is to have God's army throw in
the towel and quit. Christianity is not a
thing that you try; it is a living
relationship with a living God.
If we don't quit, we can't lose in Christ and
we will always come out victorious.
II Corinthians 2:14.
E. While I do think we need to take seriously
those who are lost around us, God made us all
unique. Some are seed planters, some are
waterers (but God gives the increase), some
speak to every living soul, and that’s fine.
But some may be called to minister one-on-one
(friendship evangelism, lifestyle evangelism,
F. Without getting into too much on the
"unpardonable sin", I'll just say if you
have enough conviction to think you might
have committed it, then you HAVEN'T. Someone
who has committed the “unpardonable sin” will
have NO CONSCIENCE to be convicted by the
Holy Spirit or to hear the Holy Spirit.
I said earlier that the devil will make you "FEEL" or "THINK", and those are two areas that a Christian MUST not allow to run his life. We should not go by feelings or thoughts that enter our mind. Those are two areas of battle that can be deceiving us.
When I wake up in the morning (and I'm not a morning person),
I don't usually FEEL saved; but based on the Word of God, I know I am saved.
Feelings are needed to operate in this world and can be a blessing; but when
feelings contradict the Bible, go with the Bible.
THINKING (thoughts) can also be lies. We sometimes have what I call “Stinking Thinking” because we allow the trash of this world into our minds, or just some demonic thought pops into our head and we think it’s our original thought. That is not always so.
Read II Corinthians 10:3-5.
You need to know satan is the condemner
(Romans 8:1 and Rev: 12:10).
When the Holy Spirit speaks to us, it is in conviction, NOT
What's the big difference between CONDEMNATION and
CONDEMNATION - Tears you down and leaves you in a DEFEATED state.
If it encourages an action, it is usually to run from God or do NOTHING for God.
CONVICTION - Won't tear you down. It will give you a SOLUTION based on God's Word on how to get out of the sin, and will lead to Godly REPENTANCE when the conviction is obeyed.
The easiest solution to your problem or sin is that you need to REPENT and go in the other direction, and NOT keep thinking or allowing feelings to keep you immobile for Christ. If you sin again, REPENT, again, and go in the other direction. STOP feeding the SIN (you know what I mean). What you feed, grows; and what you starve, dies.
We need to stop allowing feelings, thoughts, and downright lies run our lives.
We are ALL "ON A MISSION FROM GOD". The storms will come (guaranteed) -
James 1:2-4, I Peter 1:6-7, and I Peter 4:12-13. The question is how you will respond to them!!
Praise God, we are "more than conquerors THROUGH CHRIST". Romans 8:37.
Have a Jesus blessed week,