"Learning Contentment In God"
"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned,
in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." - Phil. 4:11
I think many times we look at spiritual giants in the faith and think they got saved and instantly became spiritual giants. One of these spiritual giants (men of God) is Paul. While there is a lot of history behind Paul's life before conversion, his conversion, and life as a Christian, there is ONE point I wanted us to look at in today's devotion. Paul said "... I have LEARNED..."
Paul was the great man of God that he was, because he was a learner. In other words, it didn't just come naturally. "I have come to learn..." Paul had not always known that. The "I" is emphatic (insistent, definite). It is, "I", for my part, whatever others may feel. We need to understand that Paul LEARNED to be content no matter what he was going through. It didn't just come naturally to him to be content in all that he went through (which is more than most of us will ever experience). But he LEARNED contentment at the feet of Jesus (spiritually speaking) and in the spiritual journeys that God brought him through. That's the same place we'll learn it and it will be independent of our circumstances. In Paul's case he wrote this while in prison. That should speak volumes to us!
In the Greek, the word for "learned" is Manthano and it means:
"to learn by use and practice, to acquire the habit of, be accustomed to.
In the Greek, the word for "content" is Autarkes and it means:
"satisfied with one's lot. To be independent of external circumstances."
Paul had to learn, in the circumstances in which he was placed that contentment was found ONLY IN CHRIST.
We are not always going to feel like spiritual giants. Our circumstances, at times, will be less than pleasant, but we can LEARN to be CONTENT no matter what comes our way.
To learn, one must be taught by the Word of God, the Holy Spirit and Spiritual Journeys. To be taught, one must be teachable. To be teachable, I believe one must be of a humble heart.
Allow God's Word, the Holy Spirit and Spiritual Journeys, etc., help you LEARN contentment in God.
Heavenly Father, I want to learn to be content in YOU no matter what comes my way in life. Help me to learn by being taught by whatever means YOU decide, in line with Your Word. Help me to be of a teachable and humble heart so that I can LEARN to be content no matter what. In Jesus' name, AMEN!