Today's devotion turned out to be one which was quite controversial (to my surprise).
Please don't misunderstand the devotion, and try to look at this as the OTHER side of the same coin. It was NOT intended to replace the others true life experiences of salvation.
I pray it will get you thinking and seeking God. - Jim :)

"Self-Centered Christianity, Is It Christian?"

Sometimes I think that as Christians we get confused on
who's serving whom. Some of it is because of BAD theology, some is because of being selfish Christians. We go to God so He will heal us. We go to God so He will financially prosper us. We get saved so God will bless our life. I frequently hear, "get saved and you will go to heaven and won't have to go to hell".

Yes, God will often heal us and financially prosper us.
Yes, God will bless us when we get saved and deliver us from hell and make heaven our home.

BUT, are we serving God for healing, finances or heaven? If so, we have a selfish Christianity! These are "fringe benefits", but they are
NOT the reason we serve Him. We serve Him because HE IS WORTHY (II Sam. 22:4, Rev. 4:11) and BECAUSE HE TELLS US TO (John 12:26), then we will be blessed!

It really concerns me when people say stuff like, "I'm only a Christian because I don't want to go to hell" or, "I'm only a Christian because I was promised blessings" (i.e. they think an easier life).

I DON'T believe that is what makes a Christian (seeking blessings or to miss hell.) I believe a lot of people get saved JUST for that reason,
and may not be saved at all! Some may later have changed their motives and gotten saved; but a selfish, man-centered salvation may be NO SALVATION at all.

Some may not like to hear that, but far be it from me to let people live a lie while sitting in a church pew every week. If I can help one deceived person open his spiritual eyes and accept Christ because HE IS WORTHY, this devotion will have been worth it. Does your salvation have selfish roots? If so, REPENT of it and
serve Him because HE IS WORTHY and BECAUSE HE TELLS US TO.

Are you saved, but serving God selfishly for the "fringe benefits"? Repent of it and start purely serving God because HE IS WORTHY and BECAUSE HE TELLS US TO. Then thank Him as an after thought for the "fringe benefits".

True Christianity is expressed in words like:
"But SEEK YE FIRST the kingdom of God, and His righteousness……" - Matt. 6:33 Seek FIRST the things OF GOD!

"If any man will come after me, let him DENY HIMSELF, and TAKE UP HIS CROSS, and FOLLOW ME". - Matt. 16:24 Deny self, take up His cross, and follow Jesus!!! That's what Christianity is all about!

"…..whosoever will LOSE HIS LIFE for my sake shall find it". - Matt. 16:25 Let go of YOUR self-centered life, and you will find TRUE life in Jesus!

We all need to check our hearts. Even if the blessings weren't promised, would you serve Him anyway?
The answer should be YES!

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