DEATH: Died of the spanish flue
DEATH: Neuengamme was a concentration camp near Bremen. Adrianus was in the dutch youth organization, and was involved in hiding fugitives.
DEATH: Dick died in concentration camp of starvation
BIOGRAPHY: Bertus Willem is the same BW Kapteyn that did most of the research on our family tree. We all owe him a great debt for the tireless hours he spent going through death and marriage records, court records, going to funerals, talking to anyone knowing anything about the Kapteyns. I believe he must have been absolutely relentless. I talked to Pieter Kapteyn in Massachussetts who has met Bertus, and he confirmed this observation.
Bertus Willem Kapteyn originally studied to be a teacher at the Christian school in Gouda. At the age of 16 gained employment at the office of Van Gend-En Loos in Gouda. On March 1, 1913, he started working at the Goudsche Machinale Garenspinnerij (Yarn manufacturer). He remained there until his retirement 1-1 1961. Was mainly responsible for the manufacture and overseeing of rope manufacturing etc. He served in the military from 24 Aug. 1915 until Nov 1918 (WW 1) But he had quite a bit of business leave. He had a hobby gathering of family information concerning the Kapteyns. In his spare time he was also active in the Christian trade movement. He was one of the founders of the Christian technical school, and Christian home economics school at Gouda. He served the society for Christian education as secretary.
DEATH: Krintje died one summer day during a visit by her family to an uncle's house. While the family and household help was busy with family matters, little 2 year old Krintje wandered off by herself too near the water. She apparently fell into the canal near the house and drowned. Her brother John (aged 7 at the time) remembers seeing her little shoes floating in the water. What a tragic moment that was.
Bryan Kapteyn geeft als overlijdensplaats Nieuwkoop.
Christiaan emigrated to Canada near Hamilton, Ontario
Cornelis served the GKN in Moerdijk from 1925 to 1929. From 1929 onward it seems he was working directly for the GKN in a special capacity. I have it from his nephew Pastor Hendrik DeBruyn (born 18 Jan 1935) that he worked as a missionary among the Jews.
EDUCATION: VU Free University Amsterdam
ORDINATION: September 1926
CHURCHES: Oude en Nieuw Bildtzijl Sept 1926 - 27 April, 1930 Lemmer, Fr 4 May 1930 - June 1935
OCCUPATION: journalist kerkblade, SPJ Bakker
Rijksverzekerings Bank Amsterdam 1 June 1939 - 14 April 1960 MEDICAL: Accident on 23 August, 1938 - right foot severed by streetcar.
cause of death heart attack on Maunday Thursday, after listening to Bach's st Matthew passion, but then having to leave this to go to a consistory meeting. He collapsed in the hallway, getting ready to leave.
Occupation: Cornelis was a florist. He first operated in Almelo, and later moved to Nijverdal.
Hij was Bloemist in Almelo en later in Nijverdal.