My Place
Hi. This is me. My name is Jesse Ryan Yeager, and this is my first website. I'm sure you can tell. I hope to be making some major improvements on it in the future, but for now, this will have to do. Well, I guess since I have ventured to make a web page, I should tell you a little about myself. So here goes.
I am a 23-year-old man living in the city of Jackson, Mississippi, and a specialist in the National Guard.
My name means wealthy, but I have very little money at any given time. My wealth does not come from this world, but from within me and from my God. "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." At least we know where my heart isn't.
I am a poet, a scholar, a philosopher, a lover, a warrior, an immortal, a follower, and a leader.
I encourage everyone to read the Bible. Jesus is the Son of God and came to save us from our sins. But even if you don't believe that or even care, the Bible is full of wisdom that is good for everyone. Some may say that they don't have a Bible. That is no longer an excuse. I have available for download the King James Version of the Bible, considered by some to be the most accurate translation. It is in the Public Domain, so you are encouraged to download it and pass it on. For all you who have never read it, download it. You may be pleasantly surprised. Also for you Bible scholars out there, I have the Greek New Testament transliterated into Roman letters.
Here are a few of my thoughts I jotted down:
Oh, and just in case you were wondering, here is what I look like:
I am also a big fan of Microsoft DOS, so if you are a purist like me, you may enjoy these programs. I know I have.
By the way, unless you REALLY know what you're doing, please don't download that last one. It will mess your files up badly.
Well, I hope you have enjoyed your stay at my humble internet abode. I'll eagerly await your return. Much love from me to you, and may God direct your steps. Until next we meet, my friend...
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