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                        The mind of a scientist,
                        The heart of a poet:
                        This cruel twist of nature
                        May prove his demise.

                        He seeks to gain knowledge;
                        He seeks to gain love.
                        He wants to be healthy,
                        Wealthy and wise.

                        His heart takes him away
                      To a place where there is no
                     Rhyme, rhythm, hate, ugliness,
                   Strife, sin, greed, pride, or evil.
                        He longs for this place.
                          He loves this place.

                        But his mind brings him
                        Back from this dream.
                        It is a fantasy;
                        It amounts to naught.

                       "Life must have order.
                        My brother wronged me first.
                        We must earn to survive.
                        That's how I was taught."

                         His heart desires love.
                 Though he be rejected ten thousand times,
                 Still his heart hopes and will try again.
                        His heart desires freedom.
                  Though he be confined, bound, blind
              His heart shall leap through meadows and be free.
                        His mind desires answers:
                        Why things are, and how.
                        He investigates, analyzes,
                        Dissects and breaks down.
                        His mind desires advancement:
                        Betterment of the earth.
                        He wants greater technology;
                        Make cities out of towns.

                        This man desires many things.
                        His life is so confused.
                        He wants to take so many paths,
                        And all his friends, they know it.
                        The mouth of a philosopher,
                        The soul of an immortal,
                        The mind of a scientist,
                        The heart of a poet.